Chapter 49

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At Raven's tribe, the Leader of the bandit was now sharpening his blade, until Vernal stepped into her tent...

Vernal:"Raven, we have a problem."

Raven then looked at her and raise an eyebrow.

Raven:"What is it?" she asked Vernal.

Vernal:"Salem found us."

Raven eyes then widen, before she sighed.

Raven:"Salem......Okay....."she then got up holding her blade.

Vernal:"Four of her followers are waiting to talk to you."

Raven:"Good. We had foreseen it. Bring me my helmet." she demanded Vernal, who then nodded.




Meanwhile outside her tent Klarion, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald were waiting for Raven as the bandits were terrified of the four.

Raven then stepped out her tent, wearing her helmet.

Raven then eyed each of them, before she started speaking.

Raven:"I really don't remember ever inviting all these guests into our house. There are two cases, either I am starting to lose my memory, or you have suddenly lost all traces of the backbone!"

Cinder then start grinning.

Cinder:"Don't be too hard on them, Raven. Simply, your men know how to recognize the power of a Maiden when they meet her. Reason why we would like to have a few words with you." she said.

Raven then look at her bandits, before ordering them to leave.

Raven:"Leave us!!Pack up and dismantle the camp, we are moving." she yelled as the bandits nodded before leaving.

Klarion:"It's a little late to escape and hide. You've been on our mistress's list for a long time so you'll understand we can't afford to sneak away like this." he said arrongantly as Raven then start walking up towards the four.

Raven:"I know your mistress very well. I do not believe, however, that I have ever made your acquaintance."

Mercury:"We are the ones you would do well to be afraid of." he said arrongantly as Emerald was smirking.

Raven:"I doubt anyone would do well to be afraid of you." she said calmly as Mercury got mad.

Mercury:"Oh, yeah? Tell that to-"he was then cut off by Cinder.


Raven:"That's what I thought."

Cinder:"I am Cinder Fall. This is my collaborator, Klarion The Witch Boy. And these are my disciples, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black." she said calmly introducing her team.

Raven:"Two kids you tricked into following you. A boy from the wizarding world who has fallen into disgrace, and a half Fall Maiden whose all-too-appropriate surname makes me think she picked him up for herself. Something tells me that you suffer from a very slight case of megalomania ... Am I not right?"

The four then stood quiet for a while looking at each other, before Klarion started speaking

Klarion:"To be precise, I was a great master of the magical arts, but otherwise it seems like a perfect analysis."

Cinder then rolled her eyes.

Cinder:"What an insightful woman." she said sarcastically.

Raven:"I wouldn't be alive yet, otherwise."

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