Chapter 61

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Back at Vault of Haven Academy, Cinder was now punching the barrier that was blocking the Spring Maiden's room with her Grimm powers, however there was no effect as she then turned to Neo, who was sittig on a rock watching her.

Cinder then turn to Neo and start doing hand signs.

I must get hold of the Relic before it is locked up in Atlas. it's the only way Salem, no. it is the only way we have to achieve our goals. You're not the only one who wants Y/n dead. Salem, unfortunately, does not share this desire. I have received orders not to kill her. it's like she's protecting her, but maybe I'm wrong. Having said that ... These orders are not valid for you. You can do what you like. Help me get to Atlas. Help me find it. Having done this .... make her suffer, killing the person who is most dear to her, as she took the person most dear to you.

Neo just blinked, as Cinder just smirked.





Jaune Arc was now walking his way around Argus, with his comrades, Y/n, Blake, Yang, Maria Calavera, Sun, Qrow, Ruby, Weiss, Ren, Nora and Oscar.

Jaune seemed to be quite happy at the moment which confused many except Y/n.

Ruby:"Erm, Jaune were are we going?"

Weiss:"Yeah, Arc you have been making us walk for a while, since you know the place it shouldn't be a problem right?" she asked, however Jaune kept smiling the whole time.

Jaune:"Just few more blocks and we are going to get there."

Ruby:"Where?" she asked confuse.

Jaune however kept walking with a smile on his face as Y/n was walking by his side.

Jaune then stopped as he then turn to his comrades.

Jaune:"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived to Argus." he said with a smile as Oscar looked around the place seeing how much beutiful the city was.

Nora*whisper*:"Oz in adorable baby version, you know what Jaune has in mind."

Oscar*whisper*:"I don't know, but Mr. Arc seems really happy to be here, quite a lot."

Sun:"This place seems pretty cool!! Look what they got there and there!!!" he said poiting at the sculpture of Huntsman and Huntresses.

Blake:"These used to be Legendary Huntsman and Huntresses from back in the days."

Jaune then grab Y/n's hand and smiled at her, before whispering something in her ear.

Nora*whisper*:"I'm calling it."

Ren*whisper*:"Don't make assumptions Nora." he said in a calm tone.

Nora*whisper*:"The Knight and the Witch, that sound good right?"

Ren then sighed as Oscar scratched the back of his head, feeling embaressed.

Ruby then walked up next to both Jaune and Y/n.

Ruby:"Hey!! So, you still didn't tell us, where are we going, Jaune?"

Jaune:"We're almost there, don't worry about it Ruby."

Y/n:"This place is a lot bigger than I expected."

Jaune:"Think it is one of the largest cities in Remnant suit, after the capitals. Crazy stuff, heh?"

Ruby:"But sorry, isn't it very difficult to raise such a large city so far from the heart of its Kingdom?"

Jaune:"Virtually impossible until Mantle arrived. Mistral's first attempts at settlement were unsuccessful, but settlers from Mantle helped them cope with the freezing weather. To return in search of resources that cannot be found on Solitas. Together, the two nations created a hybrid city. It is still part of the Mistral territories, but Atlas maintains a military presence there to protect the inhabitants and keep the trade routes between the two nations active. Things have also changed lately." he said with a smile before someone called him out.

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