Chapter 79

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Pyrrha, Ren, Oscar and Nora were now infront of Neo and glaring at her.

Pyrrha:"Just give up. You are at a disadvantage."

Neo then raise and eyebrow and tilt her head beforepointing her umbrella at Pyrrha, Ren, Oscar and Nora.

Nora:"Allright then, you asking for it."

Ren and Nora then start shooting at Neo, who was easily avoiding the shots.

Ren then charge at Neo as he went to slash her, only for a pink portal to open underneath his feet as Ren fell inside of it.

Nora:"REN!!!" she then got mad as jump towards Neo and went to slammed her hammer on her.

Neo, however smirked, before opening a pink portal as Ren was trown at Nora causing the two to crash on each other and sent flying by a pink beam of magic coming from Neo index finger.

Ren then did a front flip to get back up as he start shooting at Neo who was blocking the attacks with her umbrella before Ren then jump right at her and went to drop kick Neo.

Neo eyes widen before she smirked as she then did a split avoiding getting hit by Ren.

Neo then summoned a pink glowing whip from her left hand as it wrapped around Ren's body.

Neo then start slamming Ren around the Atlas dinning room and then trew him towards the kitchen.

Oscar then charged at Neo as he went to hit her with his cane, only for Neo to smack Oscar in the face with her umbrella as Oscar fell on one knee.

Neo then grabbed Oscar by his coat and with amazing strength trew him towards a wall as he crashed leaving a mark.

Neo then moved at incredible as she went to stab Oscar, who luckly moved a side as Neo umbrella was stucked into the wall.

Oscar then used his telekinesis magic to grab a table and trow it towards Neo.

Neo just smirked before she raised her right hand as a magic beam appear and blasted the table into pieces.

Oscar then did a couple of back flips as Neo was just slowly walking towards him as a pink portal was opening behind Oscar's back.

As Oscar was about to do one last step behind, Pyrrha then trew her shield at Oscar hitting him in the gut, causing Oscar to be pushed away from entering the portal created by Neo.

Neo then set her sight on Pyrrha and raised an eyebrow.

Then Nora jumped from behind Neo's back and slammed her hammer onto her causing a massive shockwave as both Pyrrha and Oscar were sent flying.

Pyrrha however grabbed Oscar and landed perfectly on a table.

Nora then start panting before she removed her hammer off the ground as what was left was nothing more than pink mud.


Nora."Where did that crazy lady go?!?!"

Then a pink portal opened behind Nora's back as a bunch of chains were warpped around Nora's body as she was then pulled inside.


Pyrrha:"We have to move!!! Now!!!"


Pyrrha:"I said now!!!" she yelled.

Pyrrha, Ren and Oscar then start running out of the dinning room.






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