Chapter 73

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After the attack caused by Tyrion, Ruby was now in the dorms as she was trying to sleep but couldn't as she then look over to her left hand remembering the blood of the civilians in her hands as tears started coming out.





Ironwood was now talking from the hologram of the city of Atlas and tried to calm down the citiziens.

Ironwood:"Citizens of Mantle following the recent Grimm assault, a temporary ban on gathering has been implemented. It is forbidden to create public gatherings of any kind. Please do your business and return to your homes before curfew. This measure is in place for your safety."

The soldiers were now walking around the streets as the children were hiding behind the buildings trying not to get caught by them as the bullheads and drones were flying in the air.

A soldier then noticed one of the children running away and set his sight on him.

Soldier:"Hey, stop where you are, kid! Stop, immediately !!" he yelled as he ran after the little boy.

Ironwood's signal was the changed to Jacques Schnee as an hologram of the man who now rule over Atlas and Mantle appeared.

Jacques:"Although army officers claim that the video has been tampered with, there are still many citizens who are calling for the deactivation of the Protector of Mantle."






An Atlas Military truck was now in its way in the road as a bunch of Happy Huntresses were following it from far away.

Ilia Amatolia then jumped right infront of the Atlas Military truck as she smirk with the Soldiers then stepping out out of the vehicale.

Soldier 2:"Civilian, you are obstructing an Atlas army operation. Please move away."

Ilia however just smirked as the other Happy Huntresses jumped out their hiding spot and kncoked out quickly the Atlas's Soldiers.

The Happy Huntresses then proceed to trow the knocked out bodies of the Atlas's soldier into the trash-can as they got inside of the vehicale and start driving it into a different direction.






The General James Ironwood was now in his office and he was pissed for what has happened so far at Atlas.

Ironwood:"This is the worst possible situation. Other dead, they want to disable Penny, we Hunters are framed and Jacques Schnee is in the Council, no one knows how."

Axel:"It's the second load for Amity that gets hit today. Apparently her election night prompted her to take the step from city hero to enemy of Atlas."

Winter:"I'm afraid the problem is more complicated."

Ironwood then sighed as he put an hand to his head.

Ironwood:"Our suppliers in Mantle crossed their arms, thanks to his example. They won't sell us supplies until the city has been properly repaired. Meanwhile, Pauline redistributes what her group steals, and the Amity Project is completely blocked."

Ruby:"But, so little is missing. There must be a way to complete the construction."

Winter:"There is. Declare martial law."

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