Chapter 55

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It was now winter with the snow falling into the mountains and the streets as a train was getting attacked by a bunch of Grimms, called Manticore.

As the Manticores were attacking the train and leaving slashes on it, all of the sudden fire balls got shot at them as they barely avoided getting hit, before a ceirtan Ruby Rose manage to jump on top of one of it and then cut of its head with her...

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As the Manticores were attacking the train and leaving slashes on it, all of the sudden fire balls got shot at them as they barely avoided getting hit, before a ceirtan Ruby Rose manage to jump on top of one of it and then cut of its head with her scythe.

Ruby:"Heck, yeah!!!!" she yelled happily before jumping off the dead Grimm and landing on the train.

Ruby:"And one is settled, who is next?" she yelled, however she didn't notice that a Manticore was about to attack her when her back was turned but luckly enough Weiss created an ice wall protecting Ruby.

Ruby then jolted in fear, thankful that she didn't get eaten, before Weiss then jump at the Manticore and cut off its head with a single slice.

Weiss:"You can thank me later!!!" she said with a smirk on her face as she looked at other four Manticores flying in the sky as she jump straight for them, until Blake moved at incredible speed and slice both of their heads off, leaving only two more Manticores who growled at the three, before flying straight for them.

Blake:"In coming!!!" she yelled as Jaune then jumped off a mountain with his sword and shield in his hands as he used his wind magic to spin around creating a small tornado and slashing the other two Manticores into pieces before they turn into Dust.

Jaune then did a front flip and landed on the train.

Jaune:"Nice to see that I haven't lost my touch."he said with a bright smile

Jaune, Blake, Weiss and Ruby were now taking down even more Manticores as Ren, Nora, Yang and Oscar just climbed on the train.

Nora:"Why is there always something in between in our path?!?!" she said whining about the attacks of the Manticores, before Oscar then start running his way as Ren, Nora and Yang prepare themselves to fight against the Manticores too.

Ruby:"Keep him in the queue of the train!!!" she yelled as Ren, Nora and Yang nodded.

Yang start shooting at the Manticores, Nora was jumping and hitting each of them iwht her hammer as Ren was shooting too.

Nora:"Ren!!!" she yelled before jumping from a Manticore and reaching for Ren, who then grab her hand, start spinning her around before trowing her at another Manticore and smashing its head into pieces.

Nora then start laughing as Ren face palmed, before Oscar then start calling hsi comrades.

Oscar:"Tunnel!!!!!!" he yelled as then a purple glowing portal opened.

Jaune:"Run inside the portal now!!!" he yelled as everyone then start running towards the purple glowing portal, before a Manticore shot a fire ball out of his mouth at Weiss, who barely manage to avoided that and almost tripped and fell off the train, until Ruby grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

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