Chapter 37

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The Five Huntsman and Huntresses were now sitting all together around the fire so that they could've stayed warm.

Qrow was drinking from his flask as the young hunters were silent.

Qrow:"Seriously? Aren't you going to ask anything?" he asked as Jaune scoffed.

Jaune:"Of course we have questions. It's just a lot to take in..."

Qrow then sighed.

Qrow:"Sure, of course..."

Ruby:"So these...Ladies. They are powerful warriors who don't need dust to use magic."

Qrow:"Yeah." he replied to Ruby.

Nora:"And there are four of them?" she asked.

Qrow:"Yup, always." he repiled to Nora.

Ren:"Which means when one dies... Power goes to someone, a woman, who is important to her."

Qrow:"The last person on your thoughts. An important distinction. At best, she's someone we can trust... And, anyway, their souls are somehow combined..."

Jaune:"That's what you wanted to do with Y/n. The night the tower fell...Trying to turn her into one of them..."

Qrow:"The former Fall Maiden, Amber, had been attacked...She was young, inexperienced...And her attacker we now know to be Cinder...Somehow she managed to steal some of her power. But not all. We were afraid that if we didn't do anything... The rest would go to her too."

Jaune:"So you forced it to Y/n."

Qrow:"We didn't force anything... We explained the situation and gave her a choice... And she chose. You were there, you she heard her."

Jaune then scoffed before getting up and look a the stars in the sky in anger.

Qrow then sighed as Ruby start speaking.

Ruby:"That face, Tyrian... Why was he after me?"

Qrow:" certainly became a target after the fall at Beacon. I told you that having silver eyes is a rare thing. And your being able to use them upset some very powerful people. Not many people know about silver eyes. But those who know aren't happy that they showed up. That's why I've been watching you. I wanted to guarantee your safety. All of you." he responded calmly as he drink his flask.

Ruby:"Well, then why didn't you come with us? That would have been so much easier."

Jaune:"He was using you as bait. All of us." he responded coldly.

Qrow then sighed.

Qrow:"Look, I wouldn't say that, it's... complicated."

Jaune:"What is this all about? Ruby being hunted, schools attacked, for what? What is the purpose of all this? Can you explain what's going on?!?" he yelled demanding some answers.

Qrow:"Can you sit down? You're pissing me off, kid."

Jaune then scoffed before sitting back with his arms crossed.

Qrow:"Few are religious nowadays. This world is very old. Long enough to have created dozens of gods. But if you believe Ozpin...Two of them are real. They were brothers... The eldest, god of light... He was happy to create forces with life. Meanwhile, the youngest, the god of darkness... spent his time creating forces of destruction. As you can imagine, the two had very different ideas about how to proceed. The eldest spent his days creating water, plants, fauna... At night his brother would wake up and see his deeds with disgust. To counterattack his brother's creations, the god of darkness brought drought, fire, form... Everything he could to end life in Remnant. Life always came back. Then one night the youngest did something...something that shared his desire to destroy everything and everyone."

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