Chapter 59

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Cinder was now back at Miss. Malachite's base and wanted the information she needed.

Cinder then start tapping on her scroll and then showed it at Miss. Malachite.

Do you have the information I asked for?

Miss. Malachite then smirked.

Miss. Malachite:"Of course I have mine, dear. The Lady never disappoints. Although I have to warn you, I cannot guarantee you will like them."

Cinder then crossed her arms.

Miss. Malachite:"Apparently they were seen getting on the Limited Espresso for Argus a few weeks ago. The distance that separates us from Argus is not much, but it is quite rare for someone to choose it as a destination. They probably want to go directly to-" before she could've even continued, Cinder immidaitly understood where were they going as she was about to leave until Miss. Malachite called her out.

Miss. Malachite:"You know, you turned out to be a very interesting customer ... Cinder Fall. It's not often that a single customer doubles my turnover."

Cinder then look back at her one last time, before all of th sudden she felt an aura behind her and as soon as she turned she got smacked in the face by a familiar umbrella and sent crashing agains the wall.

Cinder then looked up to who hit her as her eyes widen.

Cinder then looked up to who hit her as her eyes widen

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(A/n: Neo's second gear)

Cinder couldn't believe to see Neo right infron of her eyes as Neo then smiled at Cinder and bowed towards the Miss. Malchite's gang members, much to their confusion.

Miss.Malachite then turn to her daughters.

Miss.Malachite*whisper*:"Secure the glasses of the good service, okay?" she said as her daughters nodded.

Neo then glared at Cinder before going to strike with her umbrella as Cinder manage to barely avoid getting hit as she rolled to the side avoiding Neo's attack.

Cinder then shot a fire ball at Neo, who then turn into dust after that.

Cinder then start looking around, before a pink portal appear on her feet and who came out of it was Neo who proceed to give her an upper cut to the chin, with her umbrella.

Cinder was then kncoked over a table as she looked at Neo, in confusion of why she was attacking her.

Neo just smirked, before all of the sudden teleporting behind Cinder and was about to hit her with her umbrella until Cinder manage to catch hit and trew her over her shoulder sending Neo flying towards a wall, however Neo, created a pink portal avoiding the impact as Cinder then noticed various portals then appeared as multiple Neos then start attacking her-

Cinder however then start shooting fire balls at all of the Neos, as they all melted like ice cream menaning they weren't the real ones.

Then a pink portal opened behind Cinder as she was shot by a pink beam of magic sending her flying in the right , until another pink portal opened as Neo then dropped kick Cinder, sending her flying on the left.

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