Chapter 63

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In the Grimm World, Mercury was now training to get better against Young Hunters, Qrow Branwen and Maria Calavera as Emerald was just stting on the stairs of the castle just watching him.

Emerald then closed her eyes and sighed.

Emerald:"I don't like being kept in the dark about everything." she said.

Mercury:"Yeah, Cinder was a big pain in the ass, but at least she kept us up to date."

Emerald:"Can I ask you something?"

Mercury:"If I say no, does it change anything?"

Emerald:"The night Cinder and I found you, why did you decide to follow us?"

Mercury:"What type of-"

Emerald:"You just answer."

Mercury:"It seemed logical to me."

Emerald:"Logical?" she asked.

Mercury:"My father had trained me since I was born to become a killer like him. Then I take him out, and a few moments later you come to ask for someone who knows how to do what I do. It almost felt like it was meant to be." he responded, however Emerald seemed not like that response.

Emerald:"That's it?"

Mercury:"Are you done trying to pissing me off?"he asked angrily.

Emerald:"There must be something you want, a reason why you do all this?"she asked to Mercury

Mercury:"Salem promised us the world. If we bring her victory, she will give us the keys to her new world. What can be better?" he asked to Emerald.

Emerald:"it's just ... Cinder was my family. She cared about me, she taught me a lot of things ... But now that she's not here, I don't know if what we're doing anymore-" she was thenn interrupted by Mercury who just scoffed.

Mercury:"Oh, but get it over with. Cinder doesn't give a damn about you. As she doesn't give a damn about me."

Emerald:"You don't know a thing !!!"

Mercury just smirked.

Mercury:"You don't want to see the truth. Look, if you're going to have an identity crisis or something like that, don't whine at me." he said with an arrogant smirk on his face as Emerald then got pissed and charge at Mercury for a punch.

Mercury manage to parry the punches and avoided the kicks.

Emerald then jump and went to punch Mercury who manage to avoid that as he started mocking Emerald.

Mercury:"Oh, I'm sorry if your mommy didn't love you. On the other hand, I had a father who hated me. Never a respite. Each workout was a merciless beating. And the day I manifested my Semblance, he used his own to steal it from me. ' You would use it as a crutch'. 'It would make you weak'. He told me I'll got it back when I got strong. So I became strong. But I never got it back. I had to sweat twice as much as anything else to get what I have. You may not like this place without Cinder, but I think I'm in the right place."

Then all of the sudden they heard laughter coming from the darkness as Tyrian made his appearence known.

Tyrian:"Oh, the world is such a cruel place, but now I'm big and bad too, like everyone else." he siad mocking Mercury, who then got mad and walked up to Tyrian.

Mercury:"How long have you been standing there, huh?!?"

Tyrian:"Your life has always been filled with pain and violence, and now you are too afraid to look for anything else. Ah, what a tragedy."

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