Chapter 4

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In the Forever Fall Forest, team CRDL was now getting beat up by a pissed Axel Pendragon, for their fail attempted plan.....

Axel:"You should've known that wasn't very smart Winchester......I'm gonna make sure that you'll pay for what you just try to do against me.......that's what happened when you mess with a Pendragon......"he said as he grab Cardin by his armor and brought him closer to him, and then punch him in the face.

Cardin:"Tell me something Pendragon........did you also fake your way in?"

Axel:"What the hell are you talking about?"he said in a angry tone.

Cardin:"How is it that after Jauney Boy has been then show up outthe nowhere to be his replacement....."

Axel:"Replacement, if I was the replacement of a pathetic weakling like you really think, someone of my status would be capable of entering a prestigious school like this....with fake transcripts?"

Cadin:"Oh, aristocratics are always good to act, you can't even fool me with that whole.....'I'm a respectful member of the student Council, wonderful in combat, a born prodigy, I'm a high status and I'm not capable of lying, I'm such a boy-souct', please...heheheh....we both know that you were the one revealing Jauney Boy's transcripts......I'm not capable of hacking the system at Beacon, like everyone else...the security there is on another level.....but,you in the other hand.......and seeing how Richy Rich you might aswell have someone who did that for you...."

Axel:"Heh.......I never thought someone as low and pathetic as your self could've ever figure out....." he said with a amirk on his face as he dropped Cardin on the ground, and stomp on his chest.

Axel:"But, here's a thing.......Winchester, I know all about your information too....and it will be so easy for have you kicked out......I've both you and Jauen on the strings.....and I can do whatever I want with you two.......starting by now.." he then stomp Cardin another time, causing the big guy to wince in pain.

And before things could've gotten any worse and Ursa Major Axel scoffed as he decided to focus on the Grimm, now...since it must have felt the negative energy coming from the two Huntsmen.....

Russell:"That's a big Ursa!!" he yelled as the rest of the team, except Cardin ran away....

The Ursa Major, which is bigger than an ordinary Ursa, then swing his paw at Axel who barely manage to avoit he pulled out his Excalibur VI.









Ruby:"Wait did you guys hear that....."

Then Cardin's team run past RWBY and PNRA.

Russell:"There's an Ursa!!!! Ursa!!!" he then ended up pumping in to Yang, which caused her to dropped her jar full of her eyes turn red as she proceed to grab Russell and lift him up....

Yang:"What the hell?!?"

Russell:"Sorry!! There's an Ursa back has Cardin and Axel!!!"

Ruby:"Yang, you and Blake go get Professor Goodwitch!!"

Pyrrha:"Ren and Nora, do the same!!! There could be more than just one...."



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