Chapter 68

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The Young Hunters and Qrow Branwen were now inside of a Atlas military truck, aswo Atlas soldiers were knocked out on the floor and sleeping.

Qrow was driving the Atlas military truck, Ren was meditading, Nora was taking a nap, Jaune and Y/n were both annoyed by Pyrra Nikos who were still in the middle of the two, Blake was resting her head next to Sun chest, Yang was playing ith her scroll with Ruby, Oscar was looking out of the window, Weiss was worried.

Ruby:"So, do you guys think the Special Operations Unit will find us?" she asked.

Qrow:"Please, what are they going to do next? Defeat us?" he said with sarcasm and amused tone.

Pyrrha:"No, I never expected Axel would attack us, like nothing had happened. He tried to hit us. Do you believe it Jaune?" she asked as she then put her hand on his leg, only for Jaune to smack her hand away from him.

Weiss:"Welcome to Atlas. That was the Ironwood Special Operations Unit."

Then random guy, who was tied up with a black eye woke up from the corner of the Atlas military truck.

Civilian:"Did they send the Special Operations Unit on you? Ironwood must really be mad at you."

Weiss:"We are not that important!"

Civilian:"Ah, seriously? The Special Operations Unit is made up of the best Hunters in the army. They are the Mastiffs of Ironwood." he said in anger as Nora then woke up from her dreams.

Nora:"Ah, so that's why they got you?"

Civilian:"Pffft, I would never allow it, absolutely! I am here because I have publicly denounced the exploitation of Mantle by Atlas, and General Ironwood wants to silence me!"

Y/n then raised an eyebrow.

Y/n:"The real reason why you are here is because you threw a brick at his ship. It is not so?"

Civilian:"If it serves to bring visibility to our cause, then I'm good with it!" he said with pride on his tone.

Sun then tilt his head.

Sun:"Your cause?" he asked.

Civilian:"That's right, we are striving for better conditions here in Mantle! A movement led by the wonderful and charismatic Pauline, together with her Happy Huntresses. Pauline and her Huntresses are all graduates with flying colors from the Academy of Atlas, who preferred to stay in Mantle instead of joining the army. She is struggling to earn a place on the Kingdom Council, and as soon as she gets it, she will put an end to Ironwood's tyranny!"

Ren:"The...Happy Huntresses?"

Yang:"Are they really called like that?"

Weiss:"Don't you think 'tyranny' is a bit of an exaggeration?" she asked as the man just start grinning.

Civilian:"Easy to say for a Schnee heiress, safe up there in Atlas."

Weiss then looked down at the ground as Yangthen got mad and put away her scroll.

Yang:"You want me to hit you again?" she said glaring at the man, who then got scared and started trembling before Weiss then tapped her shoulder.

Weiss:"Ex-Heiress, please." she said calmly as both her and Yang sit back on the benches.

Oscar look up at the Atlas Acdemy as his eyes widen, once he saw how close they were getting.

Oscar:"Woah, it's so gorgeous." he said as Ruby then walked up next him and smiled at the Academy.

Pyrrha then went to lean her head next to Jaune, until Jaune then got up as Pyrrha ended up hitting her head on the bench.

Pyrrha:"Ow..." she said rubbing her head as Jaune then looked out the window as he smiled.

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