Chapter 42

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Professor Lionheart was now in his office as he was very scared about his own safety, right now, until Klarion appeared infront of him.

Klarion:"Are you ready?" he asked with a mischievous smile on his face as Lionheart gulped.

Lionheart then got up his chair and opened a secret room that was hidden behind a bunch of bookshelves as both him and Klarion walked in.

As they were walking Lionheart heartbeat was rising as Klarion was just smiling evilly.

Lionheart then opened a chamber, revealing a Grimm called Seer waiting there as from the orb the Grimm Queen herself Salem was there and by her side Cinder Fall.

Salem:"Hello, Leonardo. Do you have something to report?"

Lionheart:"Certainly, my lady. I would never dare waste your time if it were not so."

Klarion then take a closer look at the Grimm.

Klarion:"This creature will never cease to fascinate me. Cinder, my dear, can you find us? Can you see us? Well, as far as you can, I mean."

Cinder:"Shut, up." she said angrily.

Klarion:"Oh, what a relief. You got better." he said in a sarcastic tone and clearly referring to her Grimm like appearence.

Salem:"You had something to tell me. Speak out." she demanded to Lionheart

Lionheart then gulped.

Lionheart:"I ... I found the Spring Maiden."

Salem:"Is that so? Well done......Klarion. If I had known how useful you would prove to be in speeding up this process, I would have sent you over there much, much sooner."

Klarion:"As much as I wish I could take credit, these latest developments are not our doing. We could say that ... yes, it was a kitten who gave us this information."

Salem:"Explain then, Professor."

Lionheart:"Y-You see, just today Qrow Branwen showed up at Haven Academy. He believes that at the moment his sister tribe also counts Spring among its members."

Cinder:"Is the .... girl .... with him?"she asked angrily referring to Y/n.

Lionheart:"No, Miss Zatara was not among those present."

Cinder then clentched her fists angrily and growled, before Salem raised her hand to calm her down.

Salem:"Do you even know where this tribe is?"

Lionheart:"Sure, my lady! But you will have to hurry! Qrow is already starting to-" before he could've continued the Seer's tendrils wrapped around his neck choking him as Lionheart was trying is best to gasp for some air.

Salem:"Leonardo .... Do you remember our first meeting? I remember it. I remember ........ your fear. Yet, from that day forward you have proved extraordinarily brave. I will not forget everything you have done for me. Take care and never forget what I can do to you." she said calmly before the Seer let go off Lionheart as the Headmaster gasped for air.

Lionheart then start coughing as Klarion was smirking.

Salem:"Cinder, you and your team will reach Klarion, and together you will convince Raven Branwen that the safety of her people depends on her cooperation. When you have Spring in your hands, you will accompany her to the Relic and contact Hazel. We promised Al White Fang that Haven would be destroyed, and they will have exactly that, when we have what we need."

Klarion:"Understood, ma'am." he then bowed and was about to leave, until Salem called him out.

Salem:"Not, you dear Klarion. Tyrian needs a new tail."

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