Chapter 36

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It was now full night and the young boy named Oscar was now reading a book about Huntsman and Huntresses as he was amazed by it, until his auntie called him from downstairs.

???:" Oscar, dinner is almost ready!"

Oscar:"What do you have for today?" he asked.

???:"It does not matter! You're really going to eat."

Oscar then rolled his eyes.

Oscar:"I never agreed to these terms."

???:"It's part of the contract to live here, read the fine print and get down now."

Oscar then put away his book, got up the bed and walked downstairs, but then Ozpin's voice called him.


Oscar then scoffed as he was about to get out the room.

Oscar:"I decided you're not real, you can give up."

Ozpin:(I understand what you are feeling, I went through the same panic and confusion.)

Oscar then start shaking his head.

Oscar:"It's not real, it's not real... It's not real!"

Ozpin:(I can guarantee you, you are completely sane.)

Oscar:"I'm talking with a voice in my head."

Ozpin:(I didn't say you were normal, I said you're sane. There's a big dif-) however Oscar then cut him off.

Oscar:"SHUT UP!!! Do you think this is funny? It is not!" he yelled angrily.

Ozpin:(We totally agree on that, I promise. Believe me...I wish that wasn't the case...But as I told you, our aura....Our souls are united...)

Oscar:"I'm tired of hearing you." he said annoyed by Ozpin.

Ozpin:(Have you ever been to Haven?) he asked Oscar, who just scoffed.

Oscar:"I said I won't go, and I said I won't listen to you."

Ozpin:(Do you think you could describe the principal's office?)

Oscar:"No, I wouldn't know, I've never seen-" Ozpin then cut him off.

Ozpin:(Try it, right now.)

Oscar then sighed.

Oscar:"Must be...Must...It has autumn tones. With a large mahogany table. There is a small table and chairs in the corner for guests. With a set of tea. I... gave it to him... Why did I say that? Why do I know this? Why do I know this?" he said as he didn't understood how he knew Haven so well, since he has never seen it.

Ozpin:(Because I helped build that school. And the tea set was given to the man who runs it today.)

Oscar then put an hand to his head and sighed.

Ozpin:(If you don't believe me...You can do some research. If I remember correctly your aunt has several books on Mistral downstairs. Surely there must be a picture on one of them.)

Oscar:"Yeah, yeah, I must have seen a picture."


Oscar:"Stop talking to me!" he yelled angrily.

Ozpin:(I have a big responsibility to fulfill. We both have.)

Oscar:"I never agreed with that." he replied.

Ozpin:(No, actually. Neither did I at first. But you have a chance.)

Oscar:"About what?" he asked.

Ozpin:(Greatness! Hopefully...Greatness and knowing that when the world needed help, you helped it. It will not come without challenges...Without sacrificious. But I know you don't want to spend your life as a farmer in Mistral.) he said to Oscar, who then got mad.

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