Chapter 44

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Yang was now driving her bike in the forest as she looked at her scroll, to how much further she's going.

Yang then stopped at one point as she took off her glasses and shook her head, she then got off her bike and start stretching her muscles, before all of the sudden something was fired at her as she manage to avoid the shot.

Then a group of bandits appeared from the shadows with their weapons out as Yang raised an eyebrow.

Bandit:" I can't believe you were dumb enough to come here." he said as his group was grinning.

Yang:"Are you all there?" she asked calmly as the group was laughing.

Bandit 2:"Yeah, little girl. Everyone. If you don't count the ones left at the camp in that direction." she said as pointing behind her back.

Yang:"That way?"

The bandits then look at each other before shrugging.

Bandit 3:"Yes, that direction."

Yang:"Good to know. I'm in the right direction. Thanks." she said with a bright smile on her face.

The bandits then raised an eyebrow.

Bandit 4:"Erm....Girl, do you realize you're in the corner right now? We're are bandits!! We are gonna take your bike! And you will take a lot of beating."

Yang:"Yeah, I can take some." she said before her smile turning to a vicious one as her eyes were red.

The bandits then stood on guard.

Bandit 5:"You're messing with the wrong ones, kiddo. I suggest you think about it before you attack us-"

Then Yang cracked her neck which was heard in all of the forest as the bandits were trembling a little bit.

Bandits:"Alright. You're chosing dead!!!" then all of the bandits charge at her.

Yang simply start walking her way towards them as he took her fighting stance.

The first bandit went to hit her, but Yang kick him on the knee, causing the bandit to lose balance as Yang then kneel him in the face.

The second bandit went to slash Yang, who easily avoided the slash by doing a back flip shoot him with her guantlets.

The other bandits then start opening fire as Yang start dodging their shots and replying with hers.

Yang then start running in the forest as the group was following her.

Yang then raised her right fist as she punch a whole tree as it fell right on top of the bandits as they remained stuck, undernath.

Then a third bandit manage to get behind Yang's back as she went to punch her, only for the blondie to avoid the punch and flip her over her shoulder and then stomp on her stomach.

A fourth bandit went to trew his blade at Yang, who manage to catch it on time as she then trew it back with enough force to knock the bandit into a tree.

The fifth bandit then went to shoot Yang when her back was turn, only for Yang to quickly avoid the shot as she replied the attack by shooting the bandit with her guantlets.

The other three bandits appeared as they went to attack Yang, only for her to jump them over and start shooting at different trees causing them to fall over and crash on the ground and went the dust was clear the bandits were now trapped on the trees.

Yang then start running back, noticing that one bandit was trying to get away with her bike, only for her to boost her speed and knock the bandit away from her motocycle.

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