Chapter 10

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Ruby:"Penny, I.....I don't understand..."

Penny:"Most girls are born, but I was made. I am the first synthetic person in the world capable of generating an aura. I'm not real..."she said while looking at her hands

Ruby then put her hand on Penny shoulder and smile at her...

Ruby:"Of course, you are. Do you think that having nuts and bolts instead of organs makes you less real than me?"

Penny:"I-I'm not........You accepted this extraordinarily well...." she said looking at Ruby is sospicioun.

Ruby:"You're not like those things we saw back there.....You have a heart.....and a soul, I can feel it...." she said, before getting pull in a hug by Penny.

Penny:"Oh! Oh Ruby, you are the best friend anyone could ever have!"

Ruby:"I understand why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower." she said while trying not to suffocate under Penny hug.

Penny then let go off Ruby, and smile at her....

Penny:"Oh, he's sweet. My father was the one who built me. I'm sure you would love him."

Ruby:"Woah, hehehe! Did he make you alone?"

Penny:"Well, almost..... He had some help from mr. Ironwood."

Ruby:"The General? that why those soldiers were after you?"

Penny:"They like to protect me too..."

Ruby:"Don't they think you can defend yourself?"

Penny:"They're not sure if I'm ready yet...One day it will be my duty to save the world...But I still have a lot to learn. That's why dad let me come to the Vytal festival. I want to see the rest of the world, and test myself in the tournament."

Ruby:"Penny, what are you talking about? Save the world from what? We're on a time of peace."

Penny:"That's not what Mr. Ironwood said.."

But, before their discussion could've continued an Atlasian Soldier manage to find them...

Penny:"You have to hide!!" she then grab Ruby and lift her up.

Ruby:"Penny, what are you doing?!? You don't have to go with them, I can help you!!" she was then trown in the trash can, and close inside.

Penny:"It's okay Ruby, they're not bad people but, I just don't want you to get in trouble. Just promise me you won't tell anyone about my secret. Okay?"

Ruby:"...............I promise..........."

Then the soldier came to pick up Penny, as they both walk her back to her father.....








Meanwhile with Y/n and Jaune, they are now arrived at the guy, Y/n was talking about being in depth with her family....

As music was all over the club, as Y/n and Jaune were gaining some infos thanks to Junior....and it was going all fine, until.....

Henchman:"Hey!! Hurry, close the door!!! She's coming!!" he yelled as he and another proceed to close the front door, which caught Y/n, Jaune and Junior....

Junior:"What are you idiots doing?"

Henchman 2:"She returned! Junior, she is here!"

Y/n:"Wait, Who's here?!?" she asked.

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