Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno Part 3

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After defeating the Empress of Baxutis, Spawn made his through another Hell layer as Violator started talking.

Violator:" In this Circle. See the beautiful Elena for whom so many years of war and suffering have passed. For the harmful guilt of Gluttony. Rain and mud weaken these depressed souls. " he told to Spawn.

Spawn made his way further Circle reaching a gate which was guarded by a fire breathing giant covered with Dragons and serpents.

Spawn:" Who is that beast at the portal?" he asked to Violator.

Violator:" That handsome mug right there is Typhon, Rushu's favorite pet. He is one of the most ruthless and stubborn beings in this dustbin." he told to Spawn.

" he told to Spawn

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- Typhon -

Spawn made his further and approached the beast.

Violator:" Spawn you really do impress me. The rules are simple, as you'll soon see. Greet the 'doggie' and after you're done with it, we'll reach the next area of Gluttony. 

Typhon started glaring at Spawn and growled at him.

Spawn:( Typhon according to the legends of Enchiridion was a mass of true hatred........... I already fought Hennilum, so I better not waste energy........... I'll avoid fighting it.......) he thought in his head.

Spawn then grabbed his sword and slashed his one hand before pointing it at Typhon.

Typhon kept on growling as Spawn lowered his hand as his green hellish blood made contact with the ground.

The Green Hellish blood then took the shape of a Demonic Pentagram as Typhon leaned closer and started sniffing it.

The Demonic Pentragram  glowed bright green aswell as Typhon eyes.

Typhon then became relaxed as the beast moved aside allowing Spawn to enter another area of Gluttony.






Spawn looked around to as he witness monsters of Gluttony devouring the damned and the more he was starring at it the more he remembered about his past and how similar he once was to his father.






Aguilar still alive was seen eating and drinking wine with women around him as Sergio looked at him with a frown on his face.

Aguilar still alive was seen eating and drinking wine with women around him as Sergio looked at him with a frown on his face

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