Chapter 9

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At Beacon, Pyrrha Nikos was now listening to Port's lesson about Grimm biology, well more like Port was still talking about himself, as she was taking notes, until she heard whispering coming from Jaune as she lean a little closer to hear what was all about....

Jaune*whisper*:"So, Y/ know, yeah. I was wondering if after that......could we go out for something to eat? Y-You know, I'll have two tickets to the new Spruce Willis movie if you want to go to Vale. I heard it's amazing. And......afterwards, maybe after all that we Together? I mean, you're smart......and know..."he said with blush appear on his face

Y/n smiled and was about to respond to him, until the bell rang.....

Port:"Oh, erm.....Wrong time, I think. Well, the end of this amazing story will have to wait. Until next time."

Everybody then start walking out, as Y/n this time was about to respond.

Y/n:"Well....Jaune, I guess we can..." she said with a sincere smile on her face, before walking out.

Jaune face then turn bright red, as he then start yelling.

Jaune:"OH, YES!!!"he yelled with all the happiness in his heart.

Pyrrha then glare at Jaune's excitement, as she clentch her fists.....before she scoffed and walked she felt some type of feeling she had before.....






In Jaune's and Y/n's room.....the both were now changing in their undercover outfits....because Ozpin, sent all the students on a mission.......a Special one......

a Special one

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(A/n: Zatara's undecover outift)

(A/n: Zatara's undecover outift)

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(A/n: Jaune's undercover outfit)

Jaune:"We were supposed to hang out today......" he said in a sad and dissapointed tone.

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