Chapter 48

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Y/n was now outside of the house meditating and floating in the air, until Jaune called her out.

Jaune:"You're up early." he said with a smile on his face.

Y/n then stop mediating and float down.

Y/n:"Hey, Jaune."she then sit down on the grass.

Jaune:"What's up?" he asked her with a smile on his face.

Y/n:"What are you doing on your feet already?"

Jaune:"I can't go back to sleep."he then sit down on the grass.

Y/n:"Me, neither."

Ruby:"Fortunately, we have something called 'cookies' and 'milk'." she said as she was holding a tray of cookies and milk.

As Ruby was walking she then tripped on a rock and was about to fall, until Y/n catch her with her telekinesis and manage not to make the cookies and milk fall.

Y/n:"And unfortunately, 'rocks' exist."

Ruby then start laughing before she sit in the middle of the two.

Y/n then grab a glass of milk as Jaune grabbed a cookie.

Jaune then look at the cookie and back to Ruby.

Ruby:"Hey, don't look at me like that, I have done the right recipe."

Jaune:"I think, you just didn't do it yourself. Someone must have helped you, isn't it?"

Ruby then got mad and start pouting, with Y/n trying not to giggle.

Ruby:"Just you know that I will not hesitate to poison the cookies, and that I will do the same with the milk."she said trying to be intimidating with Jaune and Y/n just looking at her and raising an eyebrow.

Y/n and Jaune:"Okay, Little Rose."

Ruby then smiled confident in herself before grabbing a glass of milk and drink it.

Jaune then look over to Mistral and smiled.

Jaune:"We arrived in Mistral, it is incredible."

Ruby:"Ah, that's incredible, in your opinion?"

Jaune:"Well, yeah. And all the rest of those magic stories. But ..... come on, you know what I mean!"

Y/n:"I had really serious doubts that I would ever be able to see you again, you know?" she said as she drink her milk.

Jaune:"A toast to unexpected successes." he then grab his glass of milk and start drinking it as Ruby was looking at the sky.

Ruby:"It would be even better if Blake were here."

Jaune eyes then twitched for a second.

Jaune:"Yeah, well ... She made her choice."

Y/n and Ruby then look at each other and back to Jaune.

Ruby:"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked Jaune.

Jaune:"That she could have been here with us if she hadn't left. Not that it's a problem. We will manage."

Ruby:"Don't you wish she was here?"she asked him.

Jaune:"Why should I, exactly?" he asked with a calm look on his face.

Ruby:"Are you still mad at her for leaving?"

Jaune:"But no, come on, what makes you think that, Ruby? No, everything's fine, I'm great, we're great." he said with sarcasm, but Y/n could've feel he was getting angry.

Y/n:"All right, now let's calm down."she said calmly, before all of the sudden Jaune snapped at the both girls.

Jaune:"You don't tell me to calm down!!!"he yelled angrily as his eyes were glowing golden.

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