Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 1

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The moon shined within the land the Sacred land of Paratiem before a black smoke sorrounded the area taking the shape of Y/n, currently known as Lady Death.

Y/n started looking around the Kingdom at Night time as she noticed a Temple floating above the skies.

Y/n looked at it as a frown appeared on her face as all of the sudden Imps came out of the temple.

Y/n then took her scythe as she started to slowly walk before flying towards the horde.





But what led to this moment?







Y/n was now seen sitting taking a bath in total peace and serenity, within Her Castle hotspring.

Until she sensed a nearby presence approaching her as she turned around with a death glare as her Grim Reaper aura was coming out of her body

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Until she sensed a nearby presence approaching her as she turned around with a death glare as her Grim Reaper aura was coming out of her body.

???:" Excuse me. Are you Lady Death? D-Do not be alarmed! I'm Gamila, I'm a Genie. You know like the ones from the fairy tales. I mean.....You may not recognize me..... I was at Samael Castle..... When you know...... started your assault....." the person said.

- Gamila, Genie of the First Ring -

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- Gamila, Genie of the First Ring -

Y/n:" Here to avenge your master?" she asked with a dead glare as Gamila raised both of her hands up.

Gamila:" N-Not at all.... I'm grateful that you ended it all....... I truly am grateful." she said with an akward smile on her face.

Y/n:" Favour......" she said.

Gamila:" Huh?"

Y/n:" Spit it out..... What's the favour that you surely want to task me with? No living being with proper common sesnse would break in, walk around here my castle, sorrounded my Creatures of the Night in a small campfire." she said with sarcasm, but also curious on how Gamila managed to enter her castle.

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