Chapter 20

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Weiss was now running towards the where the jet flew down as Yang was following her.

Yang:"Weiss, what's the problem? Who is it? Who is she?"

Weiss:"Winter....." she responded happily.

Yang:"Wait, your sister?" she asked Weiss as a woman stepped out the flying jet with soldier next to her.

Yang:"Wait, your sister?" she asked Weiss as a woman stepped out the flying jet with soldier next to her

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Weiss:"Winter!" she yelled as Winter turn to see her little sister and Yang.

Weiss then start running towards Winter as Yang rolled her eyes in annoyence before simply walking to her.

Weiss:"Winter, I'm so happy to see you! Erm... You honor us with your presence." she said trying to sound as polite as possible.

Winter then start walking towards them and look around to Beacon.

Winter:"Beacon.......It's been a while....The air feels....different."

Yang:"I mean, it's already autumn, so it must be even colder...." Weiss then punch Yang in the shoulder .

Weiss:"So, what are you doing around here?" she asked again.

Winter:"Classified." she responded in a neutral tone as Weiss stutter a little bit.

Weiss:"O-Oh, right. W-Well, how long do you stay?" she asked again.

Winter:"Classified." she responded yet again.


Yang*whisper*:"Damn she's cold." Weiss then punch her again in the shoulder as now Winter was looking at Yang.

Yang:"Well, that's nice....I think...." she said as WInter raised an eyebrow.

Weiss:"You will love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much at Beacon is different from Atlas! It's worth it too. The government and the school are separate, can you believe it?"however before she could've continued Winter cut her off.

Winter:"I know very well how this kingdom handles its bureaucracy. That's not why I came."

Weiss:"R-Right, I'm sorry."

Winter:"Much less have I come to watch my blood fail so miserably in battle. But I don't seem to have a choice in the matter."

Weiss:"But... We won!"

Winter:"Only a beginner will call it a victory. I counted at least three wrong attacks. Leave us."she said as the Atlas robots walked away.

Winter sighed, before a smile appear on her face.

Winter:"How have you been?"

Weiss:"Ah, splendid! Thanks for asking. In fact, I'm at the top of the dueling class ranking. The rest of the studies are also great, I-" she was cut off by Winter smacking the top of her head, leaving a bump on top off that.

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