Chapter 129

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In the Garden of the Fallen Colossus, Jaune was now seen inside of Y/n's castle as they were now in her Council Room with Malhory sitting on her seat terrified and shaking in fear.

In the Garden of the Fallen Colossus, Jaune was now seen inside of Y/n's castle as they were now in her Council Room with Malhory sitting on her seat terrified and shaking in fear

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Y/n smirked at Jaune as Jaune appeared relaxed.

Malhory:( What kind of atmosphere is thaaat?!? I'm sitting next to walking MENACES!!!!! This much AURA is gonna crush me!!!!) she thought in her head fearful as she could've sensed both of their overwhelming power.

Jaune then turned his sight to Zowaa Djinn who was sitting on the Council seat next to Mercury and snapped his fingers at her.

Jaune:" Hey, waitress!! What kind of hospitality doesn't serve their guest?" he asked with a smirk.


Veins appeared of Zowaa Djinn face as she felt offended.

Zowaa Djinn:" Waitress? WHO THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO?!?" she said as she summoned a medium size energy sphere as Y/n put her fist under the right side of her face and looked at Jaune with a smirk.

Y/n:" No, no. He's right. DO IT." she said while keeping eye contact with Jaune.

Zowaa Djinn:" DO IT MY ARSE!!! I'M NOT SERVING YOUR F*CK BOY, WHO HAS THIS KIND OF ATTITUDE!!! I COULD CARE LESS IF HE'S YOUR LOVER!!!!" she yelled angrily as Mercury cupped both of her cheeks trying to calm her down.

Mercury:" Now, now Zowaa. There's no need to be acting up this much." he said with a kind smile on his face.

Zowaa Djinn glared at Y/n as Y/n simply turned her sight to Zowaa with a smirk on her face as her overwhelming aura was seen making the table tremble.

Malhory gulped in fear as Sakkara started rubbing her chin with a smirk on her face seeing how this situation would go down, until Mahdi had to step in.

Mahdi was seen carrying a tray of cups of Brandy.

Mahdi:" EVERYONE'S FAVORITE BRANDY IS IN THE HOUSE!!!" he said with a smirk on his face.

Zowaa Djinn scoffed and pouted as Mercury took a sigh of relief.

Mercury:( Thank you Mahdi..... I was fearing for worse.) he thought in his head.

Malhory:( Oh, MY LORD!!!!! EVERYONE HERE IS TOO CRAZY!!!!! UNPREDICTABLE MONSTER ABLE TO EXTINGUISH EVERYTHING IN THEIR PATH!!!!) she thought in her head as Mahdi then placed the cup infront of Jaune.

Mahdi:" Here is the region's only speciality, I call it 'Yanni'!!" he said as Jaune took a drink from it as Malhory did the same while her hands were trembling.

Malhory started feeling a little bit relaxed as her stress lowered down.

Malhory:( Can someone please help me get far away this Hell Hole already.... Anyone is fine.... I'll even marry you, but just get me out of HERE!!!.............. The brandy is good though....) she thought in her before a presence suddenly popped out the nowhere on the right side of her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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