Chapter 54

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The WHite Fang were now getting send to the Mistral Police as inside Mistral Academy, The Huntsma and  Huntresses were now tying up all of Salem associates, including the Headmaster Lionheart.

Mercury:"You got to be kidding me." he said sarcastically,before they put cuffs on him and drag him out Heaven Academy with Blake hugging Ruby and Jaune as Yang and Weiss were recovering from their fight with Ren pushing Vernal foward to the police as Nora was taking a nap the whole time, after the fight.








Meanwhile back in Heaven Academy's Vault Y/n was now face to face with Raven Branwen.

Raven:"I warned Yang. I have given her every opportunity to abandon Qrow and Ozpin. So you can believe me when I tell you that there was absolutely nothing personal."

Y/n just looked at Raven in a neutral way befores she started speaking.

Y/n:"You have opened the Vault."

Raven:"Thanks to the chaos caused by you and your friends upstairs. I knew you would get away with Cinder Fall. You are a Zatara, after all. You have a thousand tricks at your disposal."

Y/n:"When I was still at Beacon Academy, The General, my Uncle Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch and your brother explained to me how the powers of the Maidens are transferred. The girl you found ... thought of you in her last moments of her life, it is evident that she trusted you a lot. She who she cared a lot about you." she said calmly as Raven then sighed.

Raven:"Heh, I was sure they told you a lot of things. And you just stood there quietly obeying."

Y/n:"No, I do what I want. This is the point. I started asking questions, just like everyone did. Then answer Raven Branwen. What happened to the last Spring Maiden? Did she fall in battle? I doubt it was some disease."

Raven:"What does it matter to you?"

Y/n then noticed for a split of a second sparkles on Raven's eyes as she then sighed.

Y/n:"I can already see the answer. You can read it in your face and in your mind. You took it out, didn't you? I should have expected that from someone like you." she said sarcastically causing Raven to snap at her.

Raven:"You have no right to talk to me like that, brat!!! When we found her she was terrified !!! Weak. No matter how much and how I trained her, she never learned !!! She was not made for this world. And with her powers that she had of her, they would hunt her down for her whole life! What I've done-" she was then cut off by Y/n.

Y/n:"Nothing personal."

Raven:"It was an act of pity!!!"

Y/n then smirked.

Y/n:"Is that the way it is, Raven Branwen? Are you a compassionate woman or a survivor? Did you let your daughter fall into that trap because you knew she would get away with it, or because by doing that you could get what you wanted?"

Raven:"It's not that easy. You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through and you have no idea of the choices I've had to make!"

Y/n:"You're right, Raven Branwen. I do not know you. The only Raven I know is the one your brother Qrow Branwen told us about once. A very troubled and complicated person. But that she fought for what she believed in, whether it was her team or her tribe. Would you also kill your partner, who has been definitely captured now?" she asked raising an eyebrow at her as Raven eyes widen.

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