Chapter 25

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Yang was now into the interrogating room as talking with Atlas's General.

Ironwood:"Sorry...but you leave us no choice."

Yang:"But he attacked me!"she said trying to explain herself.

Ironwood:"Filming and millions of viewers disagree."he responded calmly to Yang.

Yang:"B-But, I would never do that!"

Ironwood then sighed.

Ironwood:"You seemed like a good student, and the Beacon team is aware that you would never react like this...under normal circumstances. But I believe, and hope, that this is the result of stress and adrenaline. When in battle, your judgment can be easily affected. Sometimes you get things that just aren't there. Even after the fight."

Yang:"B-But, I-"

Ironwood:"That's enough, Miss. Xiao Long!! The sad truth is....whether it's an accident or physical harassment, it doesn't matter. The world has seen you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn the wrong conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... you've been disqualified and for assaulting someone in public television. You might be....well....but it depends on the Headmaster's choice."

Yang eyes then widen.







After the interrogation Yang was seen running back to her dorm as soon as she opens it she saw Ruby and Weiss sitting on their beds as they stopped talking when she got there.

Yang was now in tears and puffy eyes.

Yang:"You believe me, right?" she asked them in hope.

Weiss and Ruby, look at each other and back at Yang.

Ruby then scratch the back of her head trying to say something, but the she stopped herself from saying.

Weiss:"W-Well, you're hot-headed and maybe you let yourself get carried away-" Yang then cut her off.

Yang:"I didn't get carried away!! Ruby if you have something to say, just say it!!! Damn it!! Please!!" she said angrily as tears fell down her eyes.

Ruby:"I want to believe you-" Yang then cut her off.

Yang:"What do you mean by that, Ruby?!?How can you say something like that? I would've never lie to you guys!" 

Ruby:"NO, BUT YOU LIKE HURTING PEOPLE!!" she yelled to Yang's face as the blonde start backing away.

Ruby then sighed.

Ruby:"You said you're not a bully! But, what have you done to Jaune?!? To Blake?!?"

Weiss was about to say something, until Ruby looked at her.

Ruby:"What?!? I'm not right?!?"

Weiss then looked down on the ground.

Ruby:"You're always pushing around people, Yang! You don't even notice it, when you do it!! You did it to me and I'm your sister." she said in a hurt tone as Yang start tearing up.

Yang:"Ruby, I'm so sorry-" Ruby then cut her off.

Ruby:"This isn't how it always works Yang. Sorry, can't always fix everything. You hurt everyone just because they did some mistakes in the past, you attack people who didn't do anything to you just because? You want to release your anger on to someone. This isn't a right thing Yang, I can't recognize you anymore. I don't like the new Yang. Because you'd never did anything like this before. I can't trust how you are now, after all you've done to my friends. I can't trust the new you. So, you can't just use the tears after all you've done as a way to make people feel bad about you. Sorry, Yang. I love you, but no I can't trust you."

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