Chapter 27

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Blake and Weiss were now running in the city as they look to see the Grimms attacking everyone as the soldiers were doing their best to put them down.

Weiss:"I don't believe this." she then grab her scroll and contact Yang.

Weiss:"Yang, are you okay?"

Yang:"I'm fine, is Ruby with you? She is not attending the scroll..." she asked Weiss.

Weiss:"No, she isn't. Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She is our leader, she manages to take care of herself." she responded to Yang

Yang:"...........Right. I'm heading to the harbor in the courtyard. White Fang are releasing Grimms at school!"

Blake eyes then widen.

Blake:"The White Fang are here?!?"

Then all of the sudden they lost contact with Yang.

Weiss:"Yang!!!" she yelled, before a roar was heard in the scroll.

Yang:"I have to go, take care!" she yelled before they defeanitely lost contact with Yang.

Weiss then look at Blake..

Weiss:"Blake, what are we going to do?"

Blake then sighed as the Grimms were attacking the civilian.

Blake:"Let's go to the port... and we'll do our job." she then grab her scroll and click on it as her locker landed next to her.

Blake then opened it and grab her weapon.

Weiss then nodded as she did the same.





Back the arena the Nevermore was still hitting the force field as everyone was runnning for their life, Ruby was on her knees looking at the disaster as she was so much in shock.

Jaune was now in his knees as he starred at Penny's ashes as he was too much in shock to move a muscle.

Nora:"Jaune!! Jaune!!!Jaune, that thing will get in, we have to go!" she yelled.

The Nevermore then flew directly into the force field and crack through it.

Nora:"JAUNE!!!" she yelled as she then jump into the arena and run up to Jaune.

Nora:"Jaune, please get out of there!!!" she yelled

The Nevermore then flew straight for Jaune, causing both Jaune and Nora to be blown away.

The Nevermore then roar as it glare at the both and charge at them.

Ruby then grab one of Penny's blade and stabbed the Nevermore in the stomach.

Jaune then regain his senses as he saw Ruby.


Ruby:"Leave them alone!!!"

The Nevermore then roar as it start flying around the arena, before charging back the trio, then all of the sudden a bunch of purple glowing spikes came out of the ground as they stabbed the Nevermore in its organs as the beast let out a last roar before turning into dust.

Then all of the sudden from a purple glowing light the lockers of the suddens appeared infront of each of them with their weapons.

The student not understaning how that happened, wasted no time into grabbing each of their weapons.

Ruby then look over Jaune.

Jaune:"R-Ruby, I'm so sorry..." he said in tears.

Ruby then walked up to Jaune and hugged him.

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