Chapter 102

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In Hong Tao, Aku had now made his way there to present to the Dragon King the Six Dofus.

Aku was now on his knees holding the box cointaining the Six Dofus as the Dragon King was sitting on his throne looking down at his servant with his lizard eyes.

???:" Finally...... Those are the Six Dofus..... If I infuse them that means my son will be all powerful..... Unstoppable and my child will become a God......" he said as a frown appeared on Aku's face.

The Dragon King then use his right hand as the Six Dofus started floating towards his direction , then a green magical glyph appeared as the Six Dofus started glowing.

The Dragon King then use his right hand as the Six Dofus started floating towards his direction , then a green magical glyph appeared as the Six Dofus started glowing

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The Dragon King just smirked as a figure started forming, before a bright light bursted almost blinding both the Dragon King and Aku.

When the smoke was clear the Dragon King just started grinning as the Six Dofus turned into stones.

???:" This is my son Huanglong, now as agreed i will entrust him to you and he shall call Grandmaster on the condition , you help free him from this underwater purgatory and he joins The World of Ten's Court." he said as he was holding up an orb containing his 'creation'.

Aku:" My Lord..... But, you can't-" he was interrupted by the Dragon King.

???:" You can't?!?" he asked in anger.

Aku:" I can be defeated!!! There are creatures that have appeared in this world that showcased themselves as formidable!! Part of your creation!!! They are rebelling against your leadership!!!" he warned the Dragon King.

The Dragon King just smirked.

???:" Let them come at me then." he said full of arrogance and belief in his own power.








Meanwhile back in Hell 4,800,576,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 demons were seen laying defeat as Blake was using their flesh and feeding herself from it.

Blake:" These sharp rocks crush my soul..... even prisoners get parole..... friends no fun it's  just hopefully boredom will get me first....." she said as she felt annoyed that she conquerored Hell too easily and expected more from the Demon Lords of it.

Blake grabbed a giant finger of a Demon and started eating it and tearing its flesh with her razor teeth.

Blake then started chewing the meat and swallow it.

Blake:" Yelling, screaming and trowing weapons at me.... like I'm not going to dodge........ or fight back...... I already got the Armillary Sash from the Sea Demon Bō sāi dōng. The Universal Ring from the Unbeatable Ravana Asura. What else does the Snake Princess needs from me to do?" she asked herself as she took another bite of the giant finger of the Demon.

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