Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 4

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Y/n was now seen training Ishtar into swordsmanship.

Y/n:" Come. Show me how you attack." she said pointing her sword at Ishtar.

Ishtar:" I would, but you wouldn't let me get closer range!!" she yelled as she swong the sword at Y/n.

Y/n casually blocked it with a regular sword as the two started clashing.

Y/n swong her blade as Ishtar jumped back avoiding getting struck.

Y/n:" Close range doesn't just mean victory for you, it also means your lost. It's not easy to kill an opponent with superior combat abilities than yours. You need to let them get tired..... I want to see how good you are when it comes down to blade." she said as Ishtar then leapt towards Y/n and started swinging her blade at Y/n who was causally blocking the strikes without even trying.

Ishtar looked at Y/n with burning eyes as Y/n smiled a little remembering the same eyes in Jaune.

Ishtar then continued swinging her blade at Y/n as Y/n was blocking each strikes.

Ishtar then swong her blade again, only for Y/n to sweep her leg causing Ishtar to fall on the grass.

Ishtar tried to rose up until Y/n pointed her blade to Ishtar's face.

Y/n:" Your footwork is too predictable. You need to work on your defense better than your offense." she said as she picked up Ishtar with one hand.

The crewmates started laughing at Ishtar's defeat.

Ishtar brushed off the dirt off her and bowed down to Y/n.

Ishtar:" Thank you Mistress!!" she said as Y/n scoffed.

Y/n:" You've just gotten eaten by a Demon. You shouldn't thank the Demon for having eaten you." she said.

Ishtar:" But you're not a Demon Mistress. You're the Benevolent Woman that rescued me from an horrible fate. And for that I'll be eternally grateful." she said with a smile on her face.

Y/n eyes softened up, before getting serious.

Y/n:( Benevolent.........) she thought in her head as she walked off as Mahdi followed her.





Y/n was seen entering a forest with a frown on her face before she noticed a baby black bunny inside of an hay.

Y/n was seen entering a forest with a frown on her face before she noticed a baby black bunny inside of an hay

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Y/n starred at the baby black bunny who jumped out of the hay and started jumping towards Y/n's direction.

The bunny looked up to Y/n with its adorable blue eyes as Y/n simply starred at it.

The bunny started sniffing her before placing its adorable paws on her foot.

Y/n then leaned down and grabbed the baby bunny.

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