Chapter 51

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It was now full night as Qrow, Ruby, Yang, Oscar, Ren, Nora, Weiss and Jaune, with the exception of Y/n, go to meet up with the Headmaster Lionheart.

Ruby then looked up to the sky to see the building off the Headmaster Lionheart and it was huge as Ruby eyes widen, Oscar walked past her feeling skeptical.

The Huntsmen and Huntresses then walked into the building as the Headmaster Lionheart greet the Hunters.

Lionheart:"Oh, good evening. Thanks for ... for coming. You seem to be more numerous than last time."

Qrow:"But yeah, you know what they say, the more, the better. So, what news from the Council?"

Lionheart:"Why ... did you come armed?"

Ruby then looked at Jaune as they both raised an eyebrow.

Qrow:"Huh? Leo, we are Hunters. All right?"

Lionheart:"Of course! Sure, excuse me. I haven't had my usual evening coffee yet, that's all."

Yang then looked around as she noticed a questionable raven with red eyes standing in the stair railing.

Qrow:"Look, we're happy to see you, but we also have work to do. Does the Council intend to help us or not?" he asked.

Yang:"Mom?" she asked looking at the Raven as both Qrow and Lionheart looked at it.

Qrow then grab his weapon and shot at it, causing the Raven to flew out away and then land behind Lionheart's back, reverting back to her human form.

All of the Hunters were now starring at Raven in awe.

Ruby:"Raven Branwen....."

Nora:"They are ... They are really capable of using magic ..... so, Jaune, you...." she said in awe as Jaune kept the serious look.

Raven then took off her helmet and looked straight at Qrow in the eyes.

Raven:"If you're going to shoot me, just do it. So you insult me."

Qrow then glare at Raven.

Qrow:"What are you doing here?" he asked.

Raven:"I could ask you the same thing. You've been up to a lot, little brother. Make plans to attack your own sister." she said with asmirk.

Qrow then turn to Lionheart with a glare.

Qrow:"Leo. What have you done?!?"

Lionheart:"I-I...I-I just-"he was then interrupted by Raven.

Raven:"Leo did what any sane person would have done in his place. He has analyzed all the information available to him, considered the situation ... and made a choice." she said as Lionheart, who looked down in shame of himself.

Raven:"And it seems you have done the same."

Yang then clentch her fists as Qrow glare at Raven.

Qrow:"You have the Spring Maiden with you."

Raven:"Exactly. And you have something that interest me."

Qrow:"Then hand it over and let's work together. We can defeat Salem!"

Raven then scoffed.

Raven:"He spent all that time spying for Ozpin and you still don't understand what you're dealing with. There is no way to defeat Salem!"

Ruby then clentch her fists.

Ruby:"You're wrong, Raven Branwen. We have already done things that most people would call 'impossible'. And I know the only reason we succeeded is because we didn't work alone. We have who can teach. Who can help us. We are here. Work with us. I know that at least we will have a better chance if we try together. I beg you." she said as she extended her hand towards Raven Branwen, who looked up and down at Ruby.

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