Chapter 8

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It was beutiful morning at Vale, as a bunch of bullheads were flying around Beacon the Headmaster and Headmistress of the academy were looking from the top.......

Glynda:"Ironwood certainly loves taking his work wherever he go."she said in sarcasm.

Ozpin:"Well, running a military school makes you very busy.But yes, it's quite annoying"

Ozpin then heard a signal coming from his desk, as he told Ironwood to come in......

Ironwood:"Ozpin!"he yelled in happiness to see an old friend..

Ozpin:"Hello, General." he said while walking up to Ironwood.

Ironwood:"Please let us leave the's been too long. And, sure has been too long since we've seen each other."

Glynda:"Oh, James.....I'll be outside....." she said in a fake happy tone as she made her way out the office.

Ironwood:"Well, she hasn't change a bit..." he said in an amused tone.

Ozpin:"So what brought you from Atlas to here? Directors in general do not travel with their students to the Vytal festival." he said as he poured some coffee on a mug and offer it to Ironwood, who grab it...

Ironwood:"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year. Besides, with you as a host? I thought it would be a good chance for us to catch up." he said as he poured alcohol in the mug...and start sipping it....

Ozpin:"I appreciate the chance to spend time with a friend, however the small fleet I see through the window worries me."

Ironwood:"Well worry is what brought me here.."

Ozpin:"I understand that interkingdom travel has become more difficult."

Ironwood:"Oz, you and I know why I brought these men."

Ozpin then sighed before he sipped his coffee...

Ozpin:"We are in an era of peace. Using that kind of power will give the wrong image. "

Ironwood:"But if what Qrow said is true-" Ozpin then cut him off.

Ozpin:"If what Qrow said is true, we'll handle it discreetly. It is the Vytal Festival, time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest you don't scare people by bringing hundreds of soldiers from across the world."

Ironwood:"I'm just being cautious...."

Ozpin:"As am I, which is why we will continue to train the Huntsman and Huntresses the best way possible."

Ironwood:".....Believe me, I am........" he said as he he start making his way out.

But, then he stopped and asked something to Ozpin....

Ironwood:"Ask you this.......Do honestly believe your children, can win a war?"he then walked out the Ozpin sighed..

Ozpin:"I just hope they don't have to..."









Meanwhile at Beacon's library......a war was happening......





Ruby:"Alright......" she said as she was looking at her cards.

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