Chapter 43

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At Menagerie, Sun, Blake, Kali and Ghira seemed pretty stressed about the incoming battle that is gonna happened, especially Ghira.

Ghira sighed as Kali then tapped his shoulder.

Kali:"Are you ready?" she asked him.

Ghira:"Yes. Our people will struggle to accept this, but it often happens when the truth is told. I know they will do the right thing." he said firmly before Blake walked up to him and pulled her father into an hug as Kali joined in as they started purring, before Sun fake cough.

Sun:"You've got this, sir." he said as he raised a thumb up, Ghira just raised an eyebrow before smiling at Sun.

Ghira then walked out the house as an entire group of Faunas were waiting him outside of Vale, aswell as some humans of the press.

Ghira then grab the micophrone as catching everyone attention.

Ghira:"Thank you all for gathering here. I wanted to take a few moments away from you to address the issue of the rumors that circulate on our island. I think it is important that the people of this area are shared with the truth. Regardless of what each of you think of the human race, we will all agree that the event now known as 'The Fall of the Beacon'. It was a real tragedy. A tragedy that will ruin the position of humans and Faunas. The main perpetrators of the assault are still unknown, but we have had official confirmation that Adam Taurus, the man at the head of a powerful splinter faction within the White Fang, was at least partially involved in the aforementioned attack. His actions are a shame not only for the reputation of an organization that, since its inception, has aimed at achieving peace and equality for all, but for the reputation of our own race. Each day that passes without this individual being punished makes it harder to argue with those who look at us with contempt. Recently, a spy from this same separatist faction targeted this very house. My daughter did everything she could to capture the person in question. Her attempt, thwarted by a violent attack that culminated in severe personal injury, proved unsuccessful, but still allowed us to begin our investigation. From these we found that Adam Taurus planned to oust the current White Fang leader, Sienna Khan, to take the lead himself. His crazy plans go much further. The documents here in my Scroll point to Haven Academy as his next target, including the CCT Tower. Their plan is to strike on the last full moon before the start of the fall semester, roughly 4 months from now. I have sent my fastest messengers to the Mistral government, but I believe we all have a much greater responsibility. My relationship with White Fang has been ... special. Years ago I led the organization, with the intention of creating a world in which both I and all the Faunas who wish to do so could walk side by side with the human race. And although I believe that great strides have been made in this regard, it was made very clear to me that everyone, members of the White Fang or not, wanted faster results. For this I stepped aside, and Sienna Khan was elected to succeed me. There are many methods of her that I did not fully agree with, this is true, but what I do share are the ideals that Sienna strives for. The idea that humans and Faunas are and should be the same. Adam Taurus doesn't seem to have this goal in mind. What he did... benefits no one but himself. I think the time has come for the Faunas to show the world that we are their equal. Time to get rid of these splinters and bring White Fang back to what it once was! And to do this, I think the answer is very clear, we must go to Haven and carry it at any cost!"

The crowed was silent as Ghira gulped.

Ghira:"Before moving on, I would like to invite my daughter to share her story, not only as a former member of the White Fang, but also as a survivor of the Fall of Beacon."

Blake then walked up in the stage and grab the microphone.

Ghira then leaned closer to Blake ears.

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