Chapter 38

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Yang was now training with her father as Zwei was watching, Yang was parry and dodging most of her father attacks.

Yang then step back avoiding a kick from Tai as she then landed an uppercut to the chin, knocking her father on the ground.

Tai then rubbed his chin as he look up at Yang.

Tai:"Woah, You got pretty strong."

Yang:"We've been at it for weeks. I understand, you want to make sure I can still fight. I think I'm doing fine."

(A/n: Yang second gear)

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(A/n: Yang second gear)

Tai:"You're close."

Yang then raised an eyebrow.

Yang:"Oh, really?" she asked.

Tai:"You are still destabilized."

Yang:"What?!? No, I'm not" she asked in surprise.

Tai then start laughing as he walked up to Yang.

Yang:"In fact, I'm kind of surprised. I thought it was going to be a burden, feels...natural. He did a great job here." she said looking at her new guantlets, before all of the sudden Tai went to a surprise attack as Yang start parry the kicks and avoiding the punches.

Yang then went to land a punch at Tai, who manage to grab it and then flip her over his shoulder.

Tai:"I wasn't talking about your center of balance. Although... You can improve it too." he said before letting go off Yang who sighed before looking up at the sun.

Yang:"Meaning?" she asked.

Tai then grab a towel and whipped out the sweat.

Tai:"I saw your tournament fight. During the Vytal Festival." he said calmly.

Yang:"Let me guess...I was careless."

Tai then laughed a bit.

Tai:"No, no... You were predictable. And stubborn. And kind of headstrong." he said as Yang sighed and got up the ground.

Tai:"Do you notice that you used your Semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?"

Yang just shrugged.

Yang:"So what? What's the difference between me using my Semblance and others using theirs?"

Tai:"Because other people's isn't practically throwing a tantrum." he said laughing a bit as Yang looked down on the ground.

Tai then walked up to Yang.

Tai:"I serious. Once you take damage you hit back with double but it doesn't make you invincible. It's great in a pinch but what if you mess up? What if it's someone stronger? And there? You will be weak and tired. You always shined more than everyone else. Whether with your smile or...Well...Remember your first cut?" he said jokingly before Yang pushed him away.

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