Chapter 111

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North shoves open a set of double doors, followed closely by Cadmus, Morpheus and Weiss. Several Yeti's rush by as they prepare the hangar for launch.

North then turned to the Yetis.

North:" Boys, ship shape. As soon as impossible." he ordered them.

Suddenly the sound of pounding hooves and beastly snorting was heard. Santa's incredible sleigh comes into view. It's a huge, shiny, tricked out, jaw-dropping hot-rod of a sled.

Weiss then noticed that among the reindeer there was Alexis.

Weiss:" Today is gonna be a hard day, Alexis." she said to the red nosed reindeer.

Alexis:" When is it not?" she asked with sarcasm.

North:" Hey, both of quiet! Quiet!!!!" he yelled.

The sleigh comes to a standstill as the Guardians prepare to climb inside. Several Yetis are still running around making last minute preparations.

Ostara made her way past the Yetis and raised an eyebrow.

Weiss jumps aboard. North smiles knowingly, and climbs inside. Morpheus hops up into the back seat.

North:" Everyone loves the sleigh." he said with a bright smile.

North grabs the reigns, wrapping them around his arms. He turns to see Ostara standing there, with her arms crossed.

North:" Bunny, what are you waiting for?" he asked to Ostara.

Ostara:" I'm sitting next to Miss. Oppressor over there. I think my tunnels might be faster, mate and safer." she said with a look of disdain and hatred towards Weiss.

Morpheus however used his spell to create a golden rope and pulled Ostara in the sleigh by force.

Ostara scoffed as she was now tied up and sitting next to Weiss, who was checking up her sunglasses not even paying attention to the Easter Bunny.

North turns to one of the Yetis .

North:" Are we ready?" he asked to one of the Yetis.

The Yeti throws his hands up in a fit shaking his head no.

North:" Good! Let's go! Clear!" he yelled.

The sleigh is off. Elves and yetis scatter out of its path. Cadmus, Morpheus, Weiss and Ostara fly back into their seats. Ostara clutches the edge of her terrified. North can't help but laugh.

North:" Out of the way!" he yelled with a smile on his face.

The sleigh heads down a luge-like track. North is enjoying the ride.

Ostara:" Ohhhhhh no! Slow down, slow down!" she yelled in fear as her face was turning blue out of fear.

North cracks the reigns, the sleigh plummets, an almost vertical drop. Weiss smirked secretely at the sufferring that Ostara was feeling right now. Ostara not so much.

North pulls a lever, kicking the sleigh into overdrive. He looks back as the sleigh enters a corkscrew.

Weiss:" I hope you like the loopty loops." she with a bright smile on her face towards OstRA.

Ostara glared at her.

Ostara:" I hope you like the guillotine, snowflake." she said with a glare.

Weiss:" Huh, always the sharp tounge let me freeze it for you" she said as she was going to use her ice magic to shut Ostara's mouth.

North:" Here we go!" he yelled with an happy smile across his face.

Wide shot as the sleigh reaches the bottom of the ramp, and shoots upwards, launching them into bright blue sky.

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