Chapter 74

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In the Young Hunters dorms, Weiss was now looking at the letter giving to her and the others, it was an Invitation at the Schnee Manor.

Weiss just rolled her eyes in annoyence.

Weiss:"Only my dad able to make someone's shoes and turn it into a PR move."

Ruby:"He told the press that it's a simple dinner to clarify a few things. It might not go that bad. In the end, we too want the General to try to open up a little, right?"

Oscar:"Sure, but on his terms. Ironwood will be locked in a room at a party hosted by one of his worst rivals. Mr. Schnee said he'll be happy to be the moderator, but that just means he'll control the conversation."

Blake was now sharpening her blade as she looked at Oscar.

Blake:"It doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out how it will end."

Weiss:"I still don't know how he managed to win. Wasn't Pauline supposed to be the champion of the people? Too many coincidences."

Pyrrha:"Do you think your father is connected in any way with Salem?"

Y/n was now looking at her orb as her sentinels were still spying all of Atlas.

Y/n:"Definitely not that close to Salem, he doesn't even compare to a pawn. Jacques Schnee only cares about winning, nothing else. And we should do the same."

Weiss:"In what sense?"

Yang:"Well, no one knows your father better than you, I think of all the guests tonight you are the only one who can turn to investigate without arousing suspicion."

Ren:"If Jacques Schnee is planning something, we must try to find out what it is."

Weiss then sighed before she nodded.






It was now late night as our Young Hunters, General James Ironwood, Winter Schnee, The Special Forces and Penny came out their limousine and looked up to the Schnee Mansion as Winter and Ironwood kept the serious attitude.

Ironwood:"Should we make an effort to smile?"

Winter:"Sir, with all due respect, not even if you pay me." she then start make her way inside the Schnee Mansion as Ironwood just smiled for a second, before turning serious again and make his way inside too.

Weiss was now looking at the Schnee Mansion as she gulped and then sighed, before making her way inside as the others followed her.

Ironwood then touched the ring bell as him and the others were waiting until Whitley Schnee was the one who opened the door to them.

Whitley:"Good evening to you." he said with a smile as Weiss looked confused once she saw Whitley instead of Klein.

Weiss:"Where is Klein?"

Whitley:"A very curious way of asking 'Oh, dear brother! How have you been?' I'm afraid he's not there. He was fired. Who knows why." he said with an evil smirk on his face as Weiss glared at him and clentch both of her fists in anger.

Whitley:"General, haven't you overestimated the size of our dining room table?" he asked with a smile on his face as Ironwood kept the neutral look.

Ironwood:"I know very well that it is enormous, but most of my guests will remain available in case the Council wants other witnesses. Until then they will certainly be happy to celebrate his father's victory."

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