Chapter 76

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The city of Atlas was now in chaos as the Grimm were attacking everywhere as the soldiers were trying to do their best against them, but they were getting over powered by them the more then negative emotions they were having the more the Grimm were getting more vicious and powerful.

A Manticore then set its sight on a Faunus little boy and his mother as he charge directly towards them, until Nora jumped off the top of a building and slammed her hammer on its head, crushing it into pieces as the Grimm then turn into dust.

Nora:"Here you go, nice big cat." she then smiled and helped the Faunus little boy and his mother get away from there.

Meanwhile Blake was being the bait and making an elephant Grimm chased after her for the whole small left side of the city as she then whistle while running so that someone can come attack the huge Grimm.

Jaune then jumped out the top of a building and used his wind magic to fly towards the elephant Grimm, raise his sword up and start spinning like a tornardo as he butchered the elephant Grimm into really tiny pieces, before turning into dust.

Jaune then did a front flip and landed on the ground on his feet.

Yang then charge towards another elephant Grimm drop kick it in the face, causing the grimm to fall over on the floor.

Yang:"NOW!!!" she yelled as Elm then ran towards the knocked out Grimm, grab it by its horns and then trew him towards a Nevermore, causing the Nevermore to be impaled as both Grimm died and turn into dust.

Jaune then opened a portal as he look towards the three survirors they just saved.

Jaune:"Run inside the portal, it will take you to the safest refuge."

The survirors then nodded as they ran inside of the portal.

Blake then walked up to Jaune.

Blake:"The shelters will fill up quickly."

Jaune:"When you have the magic of expanding a room, that's it."

Elm:"We don't have time the three of us have to, just keep the Grimms at bay."




Meanwhile with Axel and Qrow they were now dealing with the Grimms.

Axel:"Okay, yes sir, got it. Over and out." he said as he stopped the communications with the General of Atlas.

Qrow:"New orders?" he asked.

Axel then noticed a Nevermore flying towards a nother direction of the city.

Axel:"Let's go, Mr. Branwen." he then jumped of a building as Qrow followed him.




Meanwhile Marrow was fighting a bunch of Beowolfs and Manticores with the help of Weiss as Nora was making sure that everyone was okay in the safe refuge, but people were still whining.

Civilian:"Take us to Atlas! How long do you think this place can hold before we're dead ?!"

Civilian 2:"Why isn't Ironwood doing anything ?!"

Nora:"Please, we are doing our best, when all this is over you can go back to your homes. It's much safer here, just give us some time!"

However the people were making more panic as Nora couldn't handle them no more, until all of the sudden her eyes turned yellow as Pauline was controlling her body.

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