Chapter 122

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Jaune was now seen dragging the Vampire Lady to the hide out through the Northen Forest as she ended up leading them into cave.

Jaune:"........... A hidden cave cloaked with Wild Magic spell...... No wonder they couldn't find anything." he said.

Jaune:( Still, this is weird. Beasts or Monsters shouldn't have access to that kind of magic. This pipsqueak must've clearly been given the password.) he thought in his head before entering the cave.

Once reaching the inside of the cave, Jaune started rescuing the survivors, aswell as meeting Valeria's sister.

However, the Vampire Lady decided to take the opportunity that Jaune was busy rescuing the survivors to attempt a sneak attack.

Vampire Lady:( This bastard! He thinks he's already won?!? HEHEHEHE, looks like he forgot about me, he believes I'm just a weak little animal. This is the perfect opportunity for an attack. This time, no more persuasion! I'll spill your brain all over the ground and drain your blood stream!! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY WOMANLY BODY, YOU BARBARIAN FREAK!!!!) she thought in her head as she turned herself into a massive Gargoyle and attempted to bite down Jaune only for Jaune to get an hold of her jaw and rip it off while not even bothering to look behind him.

The Vampire Lady started gagging as she reverted back to base form.

The Vampire Lady crashed on the floor with her blood spilling.

Jaune then got up while carrying Valeria's sister on his hands.

Jaune:" Oh, my bad. Guess I did forget to mention there would be some.... retribution if some of them were missing." he said with a calm smile on his face as he raised his foot and slammed it on the Vampire Lady's head crushing it and killing her.

Jaune:" Well, that takes care of it." he said before all of the sudden something struck him in the back, making the survivors eyes widen.

It was a dagger held by the Priest that was supposed to be their protector.

Priest:" How is that, you Cursed Child!!! How dare you do such an awful thing to my beloved mistresses!!! Once I'm done with you, not even your mother will be able to recognize your face!!!" he yelled before all of the sudden his dagger shattered like glass making the priest eyes widen.

Priest:" ..... E-Eh?!? W-Wait, but I infused it with Aura!!" he yelled in a fearful tone as it showcased that Jaune didn't even take damage from it.

Jaune:" Aaah, that makes things clearer now." he said with a calm tone.

Priest:( H-He's not even wounded?!? What is his body made of?!?) he thought in his head with a fearful look on his face.

Jaune:" It was pretty obvious they had an accomplice, but to think it was a Priest, their first victim... from the looks of it, you were captured and used a blood vessel, but you managed to dodge your way from such an horrible fate, revealing your inner secret pleasures aswell. Quite out of a Priest category. I feel a little sad knowing that a man of faith, would've sacrificed so many for his own personal goal." he said with a side glare as he saw the silhuette of Ironwood behind the scared Priest.

A stone was trown towards the Priest as he barely dodge revealing to be one of the survivors who trew it.

Female Survivor:" You evil bastard! You sure had your fun too, treating us like garbage and helping them kill us!!" she yelled.

The Priest glared at the woman with despise.

Priest:" So what?!? Do you seriously believe a bunch of nobodies like you can beat me, One of the Great Priest of Elderglen!! I have no use for you now that my mistresses passed away, so just die already!! I'll burn you all to a crisp-" he was then interrupted by his body being lifted up from the ground as a Holy Cross appeared behind him.

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