Chapter 60

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Ruby was still sleeping next to Y/n, until she heard the sound of the door slamming which caused her to jolt as she grabbed Crescent Rose and slowly walking downstairs just to make so much noise, when she reached the hall she then peek in the corner of the hall, to see Maria Calavera reading a book as Sun, Blake, Weiss, Yang, Ren and Nora were sitting on the couch, meanwhile Oscar seemed very worried of why Jaune or Qrow didn't return, until both fianlly returned as Jaune seemed tired as he put his sword away and Qrow was trembling due to the cold outside.

Ruby then walked up to Jaune, who closed the door as the two looked at each other.

Jaune:"I did some training to get better at swinging my sword. For now the storm seems to have ceased. We should be able to leave tomorrow morning." he said as Ruby then smiled a little.

Ruby:"That is good."

Jaune:"Is she okay?" he asked in a worried tone.

Ruby:"Oh, yeah. It only seemed like what Y/n needed was just to take a good nap. I mean who wouldn't blame her, she had to do a lot."she said with a bright smile on her face.

Qrow:"I don't like this place, I have a bad feeling. All the more so since I'm here."

Ruby then looked at her uncle, glaring a little bit at him.

Ruby:"You shouldn't have hit Ozpin. You shouldn't have hit Oscar aswell."she said as Qrow then almost took that as a joke.

Qrow:"Heh, sure. Tell others to get a few hours of sleep. I will wake you up just before dawn." he said as he walked towards his room as both Jaune and Ruby looked at him.







Meanwhile back with Oscar and the others, Ren walked up to Maria and raised an eyebrow at the book.

Ren:"Is it a diary?"

Maria:"Of the head of the family of this house, Bartleby. Apparently, he and a handful of other families founded this settlement with the intent of becoming self-sufficient. It seems that things were going well. Or at least, it was like that for a while."

Ren:"The Grimms?" he asked.

Maria:"One of the problems, although not the only one. They slowed down their work and made everything more complicated. Such a pity. He seemed a rather ambitious type, with his head always working to find new ways of overcoming adversity-"she was then interrupted when Jaune and Ruby walked up to the rest of their comrades.

Ruby:"Hey, guys."

Jaune:"Qrow says get some sleep. We will leave very early tomorrow." he said as Sun sighed in relief.

Sun:"Thank god."he said as him and rest of the groupthen walked up to their rooms with Maria the only one standing.

Maria:"If you think I'm going to let some children give me orders, you really don't understand anything. ? 'it's bedtime!' Bah!" she then grab the diary and kept reading it as both Jauen and Ruby just shrugged before walking to their own rooms to go rest.






The next day, Qrow Branwen, the young Hunters and Maria Calavera were still sleeping in their beds, until all of the sudden a crash from outside woke them up.

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