Chapter 121

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In an Isolated area a Smoke shrouded creature was now seen standing over a Red Knight, who was on his knees panting.

???:" Hehehehe.... What's the matter, Hero, is that the limit of your abilites? How so very foolish. Did you truly believe you had what it takes to defeat me? I, the Great Demon Lord?!?" he asked in amusement.

Hero:" Heh, my limit? All the opposite, I'm just getting started!!!! STUPID DEMON LORD!! HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHAT I'M HOLDING IN MY HAND?!? THAT'S RIGHT!!! THE GREAT HOLY SWORD!!! IT'S LIMITLESS POWER OF LIGHT WILL ERASE ALL DARKNESS!! YOUR EVIL REIGN ENDS RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! DON'T PREPARE YOURSELF!!! SPECIAL MOVE: SUPER HOLY SWORD SLASH!!!!" he yelled winking under his helmet as he swong a powerful energy slash cutting in half the Demon Lord.





Children were now seen sitting on the ground with deadpanned looks on their faces as Maria Calavera was seen sitting on a rock telling them the story.

Maria:" And that's how the first Hero entered the Legend after vanguishing a Demon Lord for the first time." she said with a calm smile on her face as she closed the book expecting the children to applaud and cheered happily.

However she got a different result.

Child:" That was so lame, did he seriously winked?" she asked with a deadpanned look on her face.

Child 2:" Heh, I know right?" he asked with a bored tone.

???:" It wasn't that lame." the person next to the Child said.

Child 2:" And what's with that special move's name? It was just a simple slash." he asked in amusement.

Child 3:" Why were thete so many stars around the Hero's face? That was really forced." he said.

Maria:" Well.....It's to emphasize how heroic he is-" she was then interrupted by one of the kids.

Child 4:" Did the Demon Lord really get defeated by one hit? That was so easy!" she yelled.

Maria:" But-" she was then interrupted by another child.

Child 5:" Just one Hero isn't very interesting, why doesn't he have more comrades?" he asked.

Maria:" Without Holy weapons they wouldn't be much useful-" she was then interrupted yet again.

Child 6:" Wasn't the Demon Lord boring, too? He should've had more personality!" he yelled.

Child 7:" Since it's just two of them, can't we just turn one of them into a girl and make this a tragic love story?" she asked.

Maria:" STORY TIME IS OVER!!! GO HOME!!" she yelled with veins popping out from her forehead.

The children walked of while mocking Maria.

Child 8:" HAHA!!! THERE'S GOES AGAIN!!!" he laughed.

Child 9:" Granny Maria is such a meathead! She should stick giving training advices to the grown ups!" she said while laughing.

Child 10:" Only Nikolai still gets excited about her stories." he said with a mocking tone.

Maria:" YOU LITTLE!!" she yelled as the kids immidiatly ran leaving only Maria and the stranger.

There was silence for a while before Maria spoke up.

Maria:" It's been a while. How are you doing?" she asked.

???:" HEYYYY MARIA!!!" the person yelled with a smile while waving before the person got up and made their way towards the old lady.

Maria:" I was wondering if you were ever coming back before I kicked the bucket." she said with a smile.

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