Chapter 123

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In the Kingdom of Ethereal, John Zatara was seen sitting on his throne as his order of the Knights spoke to him.

???:" The Eagle Knights are back to report, my King!" he said.

John:" Welcome back, you're in high spirits as always Adler. Did the expedition go well?" he asked.

 Did the expedition go well?" he asked

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- Adler -

Adler:" Yes, sir! On the way to Remnant, we took care of issues with an increasing group of hostiles Night Creatures, coming out unharmed." he said.

John:" As expected." he said with a calm look on his face.

Adler:" But on the other hand.... 'Those' rumors turned out to be true. We encountered Mid-Class Devils and after defeating and forcing them to talk, there was no mistake................ There's a presence of two Devil Forgemasters." he said with a serious look on his face.

John:(................... Other two?) he thought in his head as he appeared worried since his daughter Y/n, whose secret he kept from everyone, was a Devil Forgemaster from birth. Which was one of the reasons why Salem wanted Y/n to join her side on the first place. And he didn't expected that there were other two able to use the power of Hell itself.

- Trivia Vanille, also known as Neopolitan or Neo, former of Commander of Salem's Army, currently Leader of her own Faction -

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- Trivia Vanille, also known as Neopolitan or Neo, former of Commander of Salem's Army, currently Leader of her own Faction -

Adler:" Worse it seems her army is already close to being fully operational! We're already too late for a pre-emptive assault. Which means that..... This is the beginning of New War." he said with a serious look on his face as the councilmen showed their concern about the matter.

John:" No other sorrounding of the Kingdoms have Sacred Gears possession, so this time we of the Ethereal Kingdom will be the ones to act! Captain Adler, I have faith in your judgement. You shall handpick people besides yourself to attempt the Holy Trial." he told to Adler.

Adler:" Understood. I thank you for your grat trust, I shall not disappoint you, my Liege. I already informed Archmage abut the current situation. Shion Zaiden confirmed that they would be ready to fight once more against an Army of Hell." he said as he bowed down.

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