Chapter 16

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Ruby was now tied up in chair as she tried to move desperately, while Roman Torchwick was laughing at her as well as Zwei tied up.

Roman:"Wow, it's a lot easier to deal with you without that giant gardening tool."

Ruby was still struggling to free herself, but at the end she fell right on the ground as Roman and the White Fang were laughing at her.

Roman:"Do you know Perry? I really needed this!" he then laughed as the White Fang named Perry raised a thumb up.

Roman then grab the chair were Ruby was tied up to and lift it up back on its feet, as he then glare at Ruby.

Roman:"But, seriously.How did you find this place red?" he asked Ruby.

Ruby then start kicking and moving on the chair trying to free herself as Roman sighed in annoyence.

Roman:"Let me make this clear dear. I'm not done here yet." he said as he pointed his cane and Ruby's throat with a smirk on his face, as Ruby was scared.

Until, all of the sudden they heard a rumbling coming in their direction.

Roman:"Oh, what the.......Ugh..........Perry, if you and the guys can handle this... I'm, like, in the middle of something..." he asked Perry and the other White Fangs who nodded at him, before walking to the direction of the rumbling with their weapons.

Roman:"Now then back to you." he said at Ruby, until second rumbling was heard as Roman was losing his patience.

Roman:"OKAY!! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!?" he asked angrily, before a large explosion busted the metalic front door.

The White Fang start shooting, however they were getting taken out by Y/n, Jaune and Blake, much to Roman dismay and Ruby's surprise.

Then all of the sudden Ruby's restrained were taken out by Y/n using her magic to make them disappear as Ruby immidiatly sprinted to her friends direction.

Roman:"SOMEBODY KILL HER!!!" he yelled as he and the White Fang start shooting at Ruby, who manage to avoid all of their blasts.

Roman then got so pissed he start twisting his cane, as he then turn to a White Fang.

Roman:"Attach this cable and spread the warning, let's start the train." he yelled as he then grab Zwei.

White Fang:"But, we're not finished!" he said to Roman, who then pointed his cane towards the White Fang's face, making him shut up.

Roman:"Do it or you will be finished." he said threating the White Fang, who then nodded immidiatly as Roman walked away.

Then even more White Fangs appeared, cornering Ruby as she start looking for a way to get out of there, until a Fire ball striked the White Fangs sending them flying away.

Jaune:"Got them." he said.

Ruby then run up to them and hug her friends.

Y/n:"Ruby, are you okay?"she asked as Ruby then pulled away from the hug.

Ruby:"I'm fine, I'm fine, but listen! Torchwick has all sorts of weapons and robots down there."

Blake:"What?!?" she asked in disbelief.

Ruby:"Androids and mecha, all in the train cars."

Jaune:"Wait, these tunnels were sealed off the rails and dead ends." he said, not before they heard Roman's voice on the speaker.

Roman:"On your marks, we're are going now let's go!"

Then the train start moving as Jaune then face palmed.

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