Chapter 5

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Jaune was now panting heavily as he was casting new magic spells, in the Heart of the Giants, on some puppets that Y/n he was barely managing to avoid their hits......but, he was doing way better than before.....though he only manage to defeat 5 out of 10.....

Jaune:"Okay, Jaune......just another 5 more...and don't lose your focus....."

Then one of the puppets charge at Jaune as he decided to use one of his new spells....

Jaune:"Boulóni fotismoú!!" he yelled as yellow lightning came out Jaune's hands, strikingnot only one puppet....but another one.....leaving 3, remaining.

Jaune:"Fotiá!!" he yelled as he shoot 3 fireballs at the puppets hitting each of them.

Jaune:"HA!! Yes, I got them!!" he said excited as he turn his back on to see Y/n applauding him...

Y/n:"Congratulation, you did a nice job......however.........noitarenicni...." she said as a puppet that was behind Jaune, close from attacking him from behind was then incinerated from the inside and fall into dust....

Y/n:"Don't ever turn your back on your enemy.......always make sure they are fully defeated...."

Jaune:"Right, sorry about that.......I won't repeat that mistake again...."

Two weeks had passed since the trip at Forever Fall forest as Jaune kept training his magic as well as sword training.

The training itself was very stressful and brutal, but Jaune was starting to adapt and getting better at control is magic with an actual teacher/friend to help him as the Arc was showing progress.....while he still wasn't on a higher level.......still a low level magician....he's able to beat the likes of Cardin Winchester....and even hold his own against some mid tier students...and even come up on top........atleast 6 to 10 as Glynda was appreciating the new results that the boy was giving

But he was still inferior to his cousin Axel Pendragon, compare to him he still wasn't enough to take on term of combat....and due to Axel amazing reflexes and speed......Jaune was always close to beat him.....only to be beaten himself..........

Jaune spent most of his time at the Heart of the Giants, meditating and learning how to control his mantra...aswell as to find it.......






Y/n:"We can stop for now, did very well, you didn't puke this time...take half of an hour to rest, and we'll begin your swordman training......"

Jaune:"Yes, ma'am......." he replied as he then got to his knees and start panting heavily.

Y/n:"Retaw fo elttob..." then a bottle of water appaer on her hands as she handed it to Jaune, who then start drinking it.

Jaune:"This training is harder than I thought....but, I can't argue that I'm getting better.."

Y/n:"True....however it would've been better if you didn't trew up on the first month when you tried to use telekinesis and fail miserably..."

Jaune then grumble.

Jaune:"I never had any formation training and the time were I really worked out was during P.E. at elementary and middle school...this type of training is like teaching a kid how to swim by trowing him deep in the water....."

Y/n then giggled as Jaune just sighed before he pulled out his scroll and check the was 6:30 a.m., meaning he got a break until seven to restart training.

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