Chapter 126

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Valeria was now seen dressing up in her house preparing herself to train with Jaune's clone.

Valeria:( Today marks the beginning of my training as a warrior. He'll definitely mess with me again, but no matter, I'm starting to get used to whatever weird stuff he pulls. I have to show I'm serious, I won't be shaken by anything he does anymore!!) she thought with confidence.

Then the door of her house started knocking as Jaune's voice called her out.

???:" VALERIA!!" the voice said.

Valeria then sprinted outside with a smile of confidence.

Valeria:" Good morning, teacher!!" she yelled however she didn't see nobody outside which confused her before she looked down.

Valeria:" Good morning, teacher!!" she yelled however she didn't see nobody outside which confused her before she looked down

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- Chibi Jaune -

Valeria started blinking in utter confusion and shock as Chibi Jaune simply smiled at her before turning his back and started walking.

Chibi Jaune[ Clone]:" Alright!!! Looks like you're ready. Let's go, then!!" he said happily.

Valeria:" PLEASE WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!!!" she yelled as she then pulled out a ruler and started measuring Chibi Jaune's height which was 2'7".

Valeria:" Erm..... You're short." she said in confusion.

Chibi Jaune[ Clone]:" Hmm? I AM VERY SHORT, YES? WHAT ABOUT IT?" he asked.

Valeria put an hand to her chin and started thinking for a bit before she sighed.

Valeria:"............ Whatever Let's go." she said as she didn't even want to bother asking questions.

Chibi Jaune then jumped on her left shoulder and sat on it.

Chibi Jaune [ Clone]:" My, what a fun seat! Let's say that it's part of your training!" he said with a bright smile.

Valeria:" L-Let's say?" she asked.

Chibi Jaune[ Clone]:" I already went to see your sister, we'll be meeting up before heading to the training place." he said with a bright smile on his face.

Valeria:" Right......" she said deep down still confused by seeing Chibi Jaune instead of the regular clone Jaune sent them to train with.

???:" IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON." a very imposing tone and powerful voice said which made the ground tremble a bit.

" a very imposing tone and powerful voice said which made the ground tremble a bit

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