Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 6

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Y/n's Night Creatures were seen guarding the Empire of Magansoura as Xogrel was seen alone playing with a doll.

Xogrel:" Who's a pretty girl, then? Who's a pretty girl? That's right...... You are." he said as a Werewolf walked by as it then stopped to look at the Demon in confusion.

Xogrel titled his head as the Werewolf Night Creature just starred at him in confusion.

Xogrel:" What are you looking at? She told us to place possessions.... for the poor fallen of the pest....." he said as he then placed down the doll of the grave of a little girl and payed his respects.

Xogrel:" Happy birthday...." he said as he then flew away.

The Werewolf starred at the grave for a while before it bowed down in respect aswell.

The Night Creatures were seen rebuilding back the Kingdom as better than it was before.

Meanwhile Y/n was monitoring their job with a calm look on her face looking at the blue sky with a calm smile on her face, before she then looked at the bowl of fruits layed next to her.

Y/n grabbed an orange, peeled it off and then started eating it.

Y/n sighed then turned to Xogrel who was seen flying down towards her direction.

Xogrel:" May I ask you a question?" he asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" Of course." she said with a calm smile.

Xogrel:"What are we doing precisly?" he asked with curiosity.

Y/n:" That is a very broad question. Be more specific. Sit." she said with a calm tone.

Xogrel then sat down infront of her and then spoke up again.

Xogrel:" I do not need to tell you what Night Creatures are, Lady Death." he said firmly before Y/n then handed Xogrel a strawberry.

Xogrel starred at it for a while.

Xogrel:" Case in point. I am a Devil. I eat blood and meat." he pointed out to his Mistress.

Y/n:" A strawberry would probably not kill you." she said with a calm smile.

Xogrel:" Night Creatures kill, destroy and despoil. It is our pleasure." he said.

Y/n:" Night Creatures do the will of their maker." she said as she ate the strawberry.

Xogrel:" Then perhaps I simply don't understand your will. You have us burying people." he said.

Y/n:" The city was littered with dead. I wasn't interested in that." she said.

Xogrel:" Death can convert anything." he said looking at his mistress with his crystal blue eyes.

Y/n:" They need to be buried. You're not a fool. Insects and diseases would breed. And I would remind you that everyone here was a victim. They deserve a burial." she said with a calm look on her face.

Xogrel:" Then why do we care about insects and diseases? We kill, destroy and despoil. You have us burying the rotten dead and rebuilding and repairing this fairy tale place. Why do you have us going against our nature?" he asked.

Y/n:" Your nature is fluid. You believe you're tools of destruction only because this is how your kind have always been used. Have a fruit." she said with a calm smile as she extended the bowl of fruits towards Xogrel.

Xogrel starred at the fruits for a while before he grabbed a cherry and then started eating it.

Xogrel eyes widen as he remembered the taste of the fruits from his previous life as a human.

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