Chapter 67

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The Young Hunters, Qrow Branwen and Maria Calavera were now in awe as they saw Atlas was full of airships flying around the city.

Intercom:"Manta 5-1....Welcome home. Please proceed in the direction of the Omega 12 docking platform. You will find a security team to greet you. Over." the intercom then start speaking as Ruby then look at Qrow.

Ruby:"I do not understand. What's going on here?"she asked her Uncle.

Qrow:"I have no idea." he said to his niece.

Jaune:"But here we are. The Lamp has arrived at Atlas, I would say .... I would say that we will dock and finally we will have some answers."

Y/n:"I'm not that sure, I have never seen your military forces mobilize so aggressively. If we dock with a stolen ship, the security team won't even let us get close to General James Ironwood."

Weiss:"They might even take me back to my father." she then looked down in sadness.

Yang and Ruby then look at each other.

Blake:"So....."she was then interrupted by Weiss who had an idea.

Weiss:"Winter!! Y/n you are very good at transforming yourself into other people right? So you could turn into Winter and fool Atlas's troops. "she said as she pointed at Y/n.

Y/n:"You don't have to make it repeat twice, Ice Queen."she then snapped her fingers as all of the sudden a bright purple light appeared on her body as she then turn into Winter Schnee.

"she then snapped her fingers as all of the sudden a bright purple light appeared on her body as she then turn into Winter Schnee

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Ruby, Oscar, Yang, Weiss, Qrow:"Woah....."they both said in surprise and awe.

Jaune then smiled as Pyrrha noticed it and frown when she saw him smile at Y/n.

Maria then flew the airship towards the city as the Young Hunters, Qrow Branwen and Maria were looking at it from the top as Ironwood was speaking from an hologram.

Ironwood:"Words cannot fully express our gratitude ... There are many who speak of an Era full of uncertainty, and for the rest of the world perhaps it really is, but I can give you immutable certainty. The Kingdom of Atlas will remain strong, and in its strength, it will remain safe. This is my promise to you."

Yang:"General Ironwood. He looks so ... Tired."

Qrow then sighed.

Qrow:"James, what have you gotten into?" he said as he looked down to see a bunch of Atlas soldiers walking in the streets as the people were tired of seeing them.

The kids were were trowing rocks at the drones, before running away from them.

Weiss:"There is something wrong. No, there is a lot wrong with that."

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