Chapter 28

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Ruby was now fighting an horde of Griffons by her own as she was defeating one by one.

Ruby then took a deep breath, but then turn once she felt a presence behind her back as she saw a man, which seemed to be the pilot.

Ruby was about to ask what was he doing here, and why he wasn't in the jet himself, before he skin started to melt like ice cream revealing to be none other than Neo.

Neo then snapped a picture of Ruby and send it to Roman, before winking at the little Rose.





Roman:"You can not be serious!" he said angrily before he decided to step out.





Meanwhile with Blake, she was now face to face with her ex lover Adam Taurus.

Blake then start backing away, as Adam notice it.

Adam:"Running away again? is this what you became my love? A coward?"

Blake:"W-Why are you doing this?"

Adam:"You and I were going to change the world, remember? We were destined to light the flames of the revolution!"

Adam then look down at an injured student as he put his foot on top of his chest.

Adam:"Consider this...the spark!" he said while raising his sword up and was about to finish him, until Blake ran up to Adam with incredible speed and pushed him away from the student.

Blake then pulled out her sword as the two weapon clashed.

Blake:"GO!! NOW!!!" she yelled to the student who then picked himself up and ran out the burning store.

Adam:"You will be running." he said in a dark tone, before he landed a solid kick on Blake's stomach sending her crashing on the ground.

Then a Beowolf came to devour Blake, before Adam shoot at its head killing him.

Adam:"But, not Before you suffer for your betrayal, my love."





Meanwhile with the students they were doing their best to keep the Grimm down and their teammwork was great, but the Grimm were alot and on top off that the Paladin was fighting against the young huntsman and huntresses putting a lot of pressure.

Weiss froze both of the Paladin's legs, and went to strike it before she was then smacked away by the Paladin's arms.


The Paladin then went to attack Yatsuhashi, who manage to parry the blow with his sword before being smacked away too.

The Paladin then set its eyesight on Ren who had his back turn.

Nora:"Look out!!" she yelled as she pushed Ren out the way getting hit in the process.

Ren:"Nora!! No!!" he yelled before being hit too by the Paladin.

Coco then start shooting at the Paladin with her Machine Gun, however it wasn't doing that much of damage.

Neptune:"Erm...This is bad." he said shooting at the Paladin.

Coco:"Well, I think now is the best time we'll ever have, Velvet!" she said.

Velvet eyes then widen in happiness.

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