Chapter 39

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Oscar was now his stuff as he then sneaked away from the farm, leaving her aunt behind.

Oscar sighed, looking one last time at the farm and then start making his way for a new adventure.




Ozpin:(Sorry..) he said in a sad tone as Oscar just sighed.

Oscar:"You knows? The weirdest part is how I feel...Leaving the house is crazy. Going to town is crazy. Everything you told me is complete madness. But it doesn't seem crazy anymore. I feel like I'm doing the right thing."

Ozpin:(Well, I imagine that's good...)

Oscar:"No... it's scary." he said before all of the sudden he heard a thunder strike in the sky as he then start running away from the forest and find a small bank.

Oscar then got inside as he grab his credit card, but it didn't work.

Oscar then sighed as he look at the credit card.

Oscar:"Stupid thing!" he said angrily.

Oscar:"I'm going to assume that this weird magic doesn't come with infinite money..."

Ozpin:(I'm afraid you'll have to work this out yourself. Stay alert.)

Oscar then raised an eyebrow.

Oscar:"What do you mean?" he asked before he noticed that Hazel was approaching Oscar standing over 8'0 tall compared to Oscar who was between 4'7"-4'9".

Oscar then gulped as Hazel was looking at him, before Hazel slammed his fist on the bank machine making all of the money come out.

Hazel:"Here." he said before walking away as Oscar grabbed the money.

Oscar then look back at Hazel, who then stopped.

Hazel:"Don't let a small ostacle like that get in your way..." he said before walking away in the rain.

Oscar:"That guy...I felt...Who is he?" he asked Ozpin as he felt like he met Hazel.

Ozpin:(Someone from my past... Someone who shouldn't be underestimated.)

Oscar then nodded.






Back with our Huntsman and Huntresses they now reached a small town called Kuroyuri, it was abandoned just like the others before but the state of the town was way worse than the others.

Jaune:"Oh, man..." he said looking at the destruction before Qrow tapped his shoulder.

Qrow:"Come on, we've got to move on." he said as Jaune and Ruby nodded as they followed Qrow.

Ruby*whisper*:"Do any of these places look like an house anymore?" she asked Jaune as he just sighed.

Jaune*whisper*:"it's...very hard to tell... "he responded.

Ruby*whisper*:"Ren really didn't want to come, did he?" she asked.

Jaune*whisper*:"Defeanitly not." he said.

Ruby*whisper*:"You know why?"

Jaune*whisper*:"I didn't stay in the team for so long. So I can't say I have an idea of why." he said.

Qrow then start looking around as he felt that something was in this place.

Qrow then stopped dead in his tracks as he pulled out his weapons as the Ruby and Jaune did the same.

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