Chapter 11

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Ruby was now resting her head on a table as she was dreaming about eating the most delicious cookie in the world, until Weiss walked up to her...and woke her up.

Weiss:"I need you to choose a tablecloth." she said as she place two tablecloth infront of Ruby

Ruby:"Aren't they both the same?" she asked as Weiss then sighed.

Weiss:"I don't even know why I asked!!" she said angrily, as Ruby tilt her head.

Weiss then angrily walked away as Yang was holding a big amplified loudspeaker and then place it in the ground.

Yang then walked up to Ruby.

Yang:"So have you picked up a dress, yet?"

Ruby:"What's the point? Who cares about the dance when you don't wanna make amends with Blake and Jaune."

Yang:"Ruby, you need to understand that they are bad people and.......wait, how much time have you spent with them, since you're so worried about them, huh?"

Ruby:"I-It doesn't matter Yang, because erm............HEY, WEISS!! I THOUGHT IT WAS AGREED!!! NO LACES!!!"she yelled trying to change the subject, as Yang was still looking at her suspiciouly.

Weiss:"If I don't have my laces, You won't have your van machines and your cookies!!"

Ruby then gasped in fear, but then Neptune and Sun walked in the ballroom...

Neptune:"Will your prom have van machines?"

As soon as Neptune appeared, Weiss was a blushing mess.

Weiss*blushing*:"W-We were considering the idea."

Neptune:"That's cool."he responded to her.

Sun:"So, are you excited to rock the look?" he asked the girls, as Ruby was grinning.

Ruby:"Yeah, right......"

Yang:"Laugh all you want, the looks will be mine tomorrow night."

Weiss:"What do you two want to wear?"

Sun:"Erm....this?" he said as he was gonna wear the outift he wears everyday, Neptune then face palmed.

Neptune:"Ignore him because he doesn't know what he says."

Sun:"Hey, I may have gone to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not a very popular place in dress clothes."

Yang:"Yeah, we have notice that..." she said in a sarcastic tone.

Sun:"So...what does Blake think about that? She's still being... You know... Blake?"

Weiss:"As if we knew..." she said, not even bothering about Blake as Ruby sighed and looked down in sadness.

Ruby*whisper*:"It's there atleast a way to change your minds?" she said quietly.

Yang, however heard that and scoffed.

Yang:"Blake won't be at the dance tomorrow, I'm just telling straight away.....I'm sorry Sun." she said, with an hint of arrogance as Sun look down on the ground sad.





Meanwhile in Blake was in the library trying to find some files about Roman Torchwick and the locations where he could've been hiding, until she felt the back of her head being she start purring....until she snap out of it.....and turn to see that nobody was she just shrug it off.....and go back to work.......until she saw a mouse toy....moving around the first she ignored it....but, then she gave she start following the mouse toy.....all the way to the library.....until all of the sudden she got snatched....

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