Chapter 58

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After Y/n heard all she had to know about Ozpin's motivations, Jinn then send her back to the real worl d as she looked at her teammates in a calm way as they looked at her in confusion.

Yang:"So, do you know what we should know? If you know something, say it."

Y/n then looked to see Ozpin on his knees looking down at the floor in sadness.

Y/n:"Salem cannot be killed. I saw it and heard it."

Ozpin then look up to Y/n.

Ozpin:"I-I..." before he could've even said a word, Y/n interrupted him.

Y/n:"All the things you hid from us ..... How could you think it was a good idea? Salem is my grandmother and Ozpin, or Ozma is my grandfather." she said calmly as Ruby, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Blake, Qrow, Maria, Sun,  Yang and Weiss eyes widen as they jawdropped.

Ruby, Jaune, Sun, Nora, Ren, Blake, Qrow, Maria, Yang and Weiss:" WHAT?!?!?!" they all say together as Ozpin looked down at the snow.

Ozpin:".......................I'm sorry............" he said in sadness as tears fell down his cheek, however Y/n kept the neutral look and the calm voice.

Y/n:"What is your plan on how to defeat the Queen of Grimm?" she asked Ozpin who looked up at her in tears.

Ozpin:"I...I have no plan. I'm sorry, Y/n, you couldn't know all that-" he was then cut off by an now angered Qrow who run up to Ozpin and then punches him in the face, sending him flying and crash into a tree.

Y/n:"ENOUGH!!!!!!" she yelled as she purple glowing chains emerged from the snow and wrapped around Qrow's body, so that he couldn't attack Ozpin a second time.

Qrow then glare at Ozpin in tears and with pissed looked on his face.

Qrow:"Nobody wanted me !!! I was cursed !!! I gave my life because you gave me a place in this world !!! I thought I was finally doing something good!!!" he yelled.

Ozpin then whipped the blood off his mouth and looked at Qrow in tears.

Ozpin:"And so it is!"

Qrow:"Meeting you ... was the worst thing that ever happened to me."

Ozpin then sighed, before looking at blood in his right hand.

Ozpin:"Maybe you're right." he said, before giving control back Oscar.

Oscar then start blinking and regaining his body back and the first thing he felt was pain on his cheek.

Ruby then walked up to Oscar, kneel down and checked his injury.

Ruby:"Oscar!!! Are you okay?!? What happened?!?"

Oscar:"He's gone."

Y/n eyes widen as she deactivated her magic, letting Qrow move his body again.

Yang  then got mad.

Yang:"That bastard !!!!! We're not done with him yet, tell him !!!" she said angrily.

Oscar:"No, this time it's different. disappeared. And how he had locked himself up somewhere inside my head. Our head. I can't take it anymore, that's enough !!!" he yelled while holding his head in pain.

Weiss:"Is he just gone?" she said in surprise.

Jaune:"What are we gonna do now?"

Yang then start growling before Y/n just had enough.

Y/n:"Thats enough!! We have to get going !!! It will get dark sooner than we think, and we are all overflowing with negative emotions." she said as she helped Oscar get up as Maria Calavera then put an hand to her chin and smiled at  Y/n.

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