Hellblazer and Primak Movie 2# : Rebirth Part 5 [ The End]

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After eliminating Brutus, Cassius and Decimus Jaune went back to the Forge Lands to awaken the Guardian.

Jaune used their souls as the Guardian awakened after so much time.

The massive construct starred down at Jaune.

The massive construct starred down at Jaune

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- Guardian -

The two beings starred at each other as the Guardian then kneel down and extended his hand to Jaune.

The Guardian proceeded to open up a portal for the Pyramid of Menkaure.











Jaune had now reached the Pyramid of Menkaure.

Jaune starred up at the Pyramid of Menkaure before Rubilax started talking

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Jaune starred up at the Pyramid of Menkaure before Rubilax started talking.

Rubilax:" This is it Boss. That's the Endgame right there." he told to Jaune.

Jaune:" The Destroyer and his army are up there. As Lilith had said. The warriors of the Pyramid are fighting. They are failing." he said before he went to contact Dark Vlad in his head.

Jaune:( Listen Dark Vlad, you and me. We are not close. But we are the same person at the end of the day, we must fight together.) he told to Dark Vlad in his head telephatically.

Dark Vlad didn't say nothing as Jaune then sighed.








The warriors of the Pyramid of Menkaure were now getting slayed by the Destroyer's army and the numbers were falling down until Jaune Angelic's army came out the nowhere and started tearing down the Demons.

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