Chapter 17

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The city was a disasters the Grimm were attacking every civilian in the zone and destroying various homes and shops.





Jaune was seen running, holding a tired Y/n because for opening that portal she pushed herself beyond her limits and now needed to rest.

Jaune seeing how close he was to Beacon, he start calling with his phone for the other Huntsman and Huntresses.

Jaune:"Hey, is plan C is over!!We need another plan!! And please open the door!!" he said.

As the some Huntsman and Huntresses opened the doors of Beacon as Jaune, put away his phone and run inside immidiatly, still holding Y/n bridal style.





Meanwhile with PNRA....they were looking after the lower parts of the academy.

Pyrrha:"I'm sure they're fine."

Nora:"You think?" she asked her team leader.

Axel:"They must have called by accident." he said.

Ren:"In these months, Team JYB has always performed exceptionally on the field...We should focus on our own mission."

Nora:"Let's be sheriffs!"

Axel:"I just have this.... Feeling, I don't know.....that something better is happening out here, while we're standing there like a bunch of fools."

Pyrrha:" Axel-" however before she could've continued an explosion happened outside of Beacon, coming from Vale as they all look at each other.

Axel:"That's what I'm talking about!!" he said with a smirk on his face.

Pyrrha then sighed.

Pyrrha:"Let's change our mission. All aboard!" she said as they all left and go see what was going on Vale.






As they were leaving their position of guarding the lower parts of the Academy, someone decided to took advantage of it.

Cinder, Emerald and Mercury then revealed themselves visible after Pyrrha and her team left.

Mercury:"Finally they have left, I was really starting to get annoyed you know..."

Emerald:"Cinder, what do we do now?"

Cinder didn't said anything as she start thinking of something in her head.





Meanwhile with Weiss and Yang..........they were now fighting a bunch of Grimms, even thought they were having some difficulity, because they were only two.

Yang was now boxing against a couple of Beowolfs and she was doing great, until a Nevermore then grab her and fly away with her.

Weiss was seen slashing at a bunch of Beowolfs and Ursa and was using her ice to freeze each of them.

Then a bunch of Beowolfs were charging towards Weiss again, until they started getting shot by a sniper.

When Weiss turn around she saw Ruby shooting from the top of a building.

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