Chapter 78

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Ironwood was now communicating to all of the bullheads about what was going on...

Ironwood:"Axel Pendragon wants to go to Amity's Colosseum and take control of Atlas and Mantle, by force !! He wants to take the Eliacube and all its powers of for himself !!! Stop this man immediately !!! Salem is coming too !! You must stop Axel Pendragon immediately-" then the radio was cut off all of the sudden.







Axel was now driving the airship which was going directly to the Amity Colosseum as Qrow was laying on the floor beat up and tied up as he glared at the boy.

Qrow:"I knew that someone like you did not lead to anything good. You were the one who planned all those assaults on Atlas, you were behind the reason the security system wasn't working. You ... you are nothing ... but a monster. Jaune was right about you. You are a degenerate."

Axel:"Mr. Branwen, this all looks crazy in your eyes but believe me .... I'm the only one who can help the whole Remnant. And after all she is a wanted man now, like Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, my sweet Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, dear old Jaune Arc, his boring pompous girlfriend Y / n Zatara, the terrorist Blake Belladonna, country boy Oscar Pine, and that reckless monkey Sun Wukong. And ... my poor Special Forces, I'm really sorry for that ... really ... I was really starting to like them. And of course the General,yeah yeah, yeah I almost forgot."

Qrow then shook his head.

Qrow:".........You're crazy...."

Axel:"Mr. Branwen, you weren't the only one to tell me, they've always said it since my childhood. But now I can tell everyone that I am not, but you are more so. I think you want to ask yourself, 'I am a legendary Huntsman, how could I have been defeated by an arrogant and self-confident kid?' Well, let's say that if you make a pact with greater forces, we say they can make you stronger. Do you like the free ride?"

Qrow:"You want to stop everyone who could get in your way. And your best technique .... is manipulation and your luck. But I think you're underestimating those guys, like all the bad guys we've met so far."

Axel:"Oh, but I'm not a bad guy, no, no, no you're not understanding. Don't make me kick you until you never breathe again, Mr. Branwen. After everything we've been through together so far, it would be a tragedy if Ruby lost her dear uncle. So I would like you to calm down and let me continue this journey in peace .. We are almost at the Colosseum of Amity, so that the fireworks begin." he said before all of the sudden a fire ball was shot to the airship as Axel's eyes widen.

Axel:"What the hell is going on?!?" he then went to check up on his camera as he then sighed in annoyence once he saw it was no other than Jaune Arc himself.

Axel:"Our knight of Ansel, come to ruin everything as he always does. Now I'll fix you up." he then touched the battle mode battle of the airships as the vehicale start shooting beams towards Jaune who was avoiding them all.

Jaune then flew even faster catching up to the airship as Axel scoffed.

Axel:"Why do you have to be such a nuisance?!?!? CAN'T YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS FOR ONCE?!?!?!? But you know what you want to play the Hero, then play the Hero...COME AND SAVE US!!!!!" he then start laughing as he went towards the tundra with the airship and was going to make it crash.

Axel then jumped out of the airship leaving Qrow inside as Jaune then flew towards the airship and got inside of it, grabbed Qrow and then teleported as the bullhead then crashed on the snow as big explosion happened.

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