Hellblazer and Primak Movie: Mistress of Death

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There can be no life without Order. Good, Evil......... Darkness, Light. There must be Balance in the Universe. Such is the decree of the 5 Primordial Deities, the first very Gods born from Chaos to preserve the very fabric of existence. But the Balance has been broken. Even now, Remnant smolders in ruin, fallen to the Queen of Destruction to carve for a new world, a new Kingdom. Some say the 12 Gods triggered this Apocalypse, that they brought to Remnant doom to all their own Creations. But what of the other Primordial Gods, fearless enforcers of Purification? What of Erebus, Aether, Hemera, Hypnos, Philotes, Moros, Momus, Eris, Nemesis, Apate.... and Surshana. To know their names, you must first know another. Demons, they're the residents of Hell and rulers of the Second Kingdom. They tend to characterize by bloodlust, cruelty, utter selfishness and brutality. They are the Primitive counter part of the Empyreans and, other than the Nomen, they're in an eternal stalemate with them over control of Creation. The Demons, ruled over by Rushu put countless realms to the sword and burned them to ash. But the children of Nyx were against in in particular Surshana the personification of Death and Mortality believed to be cold, aloof and enigmatic grew tired of the Demons activities and he made his choice to put at an end to it personally. He used his unmaginable power to tear down the Demon society completely, purging them from Creation...... to annihilate the Demons and destroy their souls. Let us now cast our gaze, Surshana who got punished because of his interference by his own siblings, had his role as Death itself being taken from him by Sacrier and casted outside of the Pantheon because of the danger he could've brought to them. Surshana dedicated himself to find a successor that will clear his name and get revenge on his own siblings for their betrayal against him. He needed someone who possessed the qualities of a Kingslayer, Executioner.....He needed Death to be reborn.







A body was now seen falling down in Hell.

The body hit the ground creating a powerful shockwave and a huge crater

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The body hit the ground creating a powerful shockwave and a huge crater.

The body let a groan as it was covered in black slime like a shell before cracks started appearing as the person inside of that black slime broke out of it.

???:" J-Jaune...... J-Jaune?!? W-Where........." she was then interrupted by the roare of flying demons in the air as she was in shock.

???:" W-What? W-Where am I? H-How did I got here?" she asked to herself as she looked at her left side to see a river of blood.

The woman approached the pool of blood to stare at herself as her eyes widen due to her current appearence.

The woman approached the pool of blood to stare at herself as her eyes widen due to her current appearence

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