Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno Part 2

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Mirandolina was now seen laying on her bed appearing sick as her lover Aguilar was sitting next to her.

Aguilar then grabbed Mirandolina's hand as Mirandolina started talking.

Mirandolina:" Promise me, Aguilar. That you will protect Sergio." she said referring to her brother who was preparing himself for the war at the Empire of Raicrostra.

Aguilar:" I will protect your brother as if he were mine." he promised to his wife.






Spawn was now seen looking in shock at the demon standing right infront of him.

Spawn:" No....... it can't be..........." he said in shock to see what has happened to Sergio.

Violar:" Bravo Bravo. The Guardian of the River of Styx has arrived. Applause to another one of Alchino's b*tches." he said applauding Sergio's entrance.

- Sergio, Guardian of the River of Styx -

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- Sergio, Guardian of the River of Styx -

Sergio:" Hello, brother." he said looking down at Spawn.

Spawn:" This is not between us, Sergio." he said as he wanted to avoid battling Sergio.

Sergio:" You haven't told her nothing that day......." he said with despise over Spawn, meaning he never told Mirandolina about his fate.

Spawn:" The air of Hell affects your thinking, brother. The battle of Raicrosta was inevitable, it couldn't be prevented." he said apologizing to Sergio, meaning that he died in the battle.

Sergio:" Think about it Aguilar. When I was sent to battle, you were made Ruler despite the fact that many were chosing me to rule over the our great Kingdom. Not convinced? How about this? What's with this 'Trade of Togia' huh? To avoid the repercutions of your actions, you sent my team as offerings. OFFERINGS!!!! We were starving in cages, deprived of our hope to go home to our loved ones, we were skinned alived, tied to the breaking wheele and got our bones shattered by the Judge hammer. And as we were suffering your name was made known amongst the people. A Fierce Warrior, A Wise Ruler. A Man Descendent from Day and Light!!!! But this time, brother. This time I'll destroy you. Call it my 13th and final war. Soon I will ascend to the Krosmoz and claim my seat in the Holy Lands!!!" he yelled at Spawn.

Spawn closed his eyes knowing well that the trade was an horrible one, but he couldn't afford the Kingdom of Bluevania to come to an end.

Charon looked at the two as he stepped aside.

Spawn:" Please, Sergio. Forgive me, I have committed grave sins. My Envy, Gluttony and Pride for power led to your downfall. But I have to take that boat to reach Alchino's armies. I MUST FIND MIRANDOLINA AND CONFESS EVERYTHING TO HER!!!!!" he said as Violator had a bored look on his face.

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